Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Discussing the Introduction

The introduction is based on the original by the Blessed Thomas Cranmer, but it deals with several issues that are relevant to the present book and the modern church.

The first three paragraph’s deal with the daily office lectionary, Carnmer’s revision of which, was an one of the important parts of the English reformation. This book includes a new lectionary which more completely fulfills Cranmer’s vision appointing in its readings for Matins, Evensong, Durins and Compline, the whole of the Old and New Testament. Also included in the Daily office lectionary are the whole the Apocrypha, Rule of St Benedict, and 39 Articles of Religion as well as readings from the fathers.

The next three paragraph’s deal with the absurd over reaction to the bad old days when many parishes only had Mass four times a year and Matins every other Sunday, which has often resulted in a situation where some parishes have Mass four times on Sunday and no Matins or Evensong. The correct understanding of the reformed catholic tradition is that we should have Matins, Mass, Litany, and Evensong every Sunday.

The seventh and eighth paragraphs lay out the daily worship of the church and the clergy’s duty to lead it.

The ninth paragraph presents the teaching of the episcopal church regarding baptism and communion and shows one of the ways to welcome people into the church, the regular administration of the sacrament of baptism. But it is worth noting that aforementioned pattern of Matins and Evensong along with Mass on Sunday is also more welcoming in that the unbaptized are in no way excluded from full participation in these glorious services.

Paragraphs ten and eleven set forth a model for the adult catechumenate. Something the church needs in an increasingly Post Christian society.

The Last paragraph simply restates the rule that the ordinary shall help settle liturgical disputes.

The Notes do the following:
1. Continue the use of English as the primary language of the church of England in the United States;
2. Make provision for non-English speaking parishes;
3. Allow for both sung and spoken liturgies.
4. Allow for the use of modern language in place of the traditional language in which the book is written. 

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