Friday, January 22, 2016

Where does that come from? More Discussion of the Introits Collects, Epistles and Gospels

“Does he make this stuff up” I can hear my readers say as they flip through their copy of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer desperately looking for the Epistle and Gospel for the first Wednesday in Advent.

No, I don’t make it up, I am not that clever. So let me explain where I have found the material in this section.

First the Psalms appointed for Matins and 2nd Evensong are from the table of Psalms for Sundays in the 1928 BCP. Unfortunately, that table does not have Psalms appointed for the 1st Evensong of Sunday, so I simply took the Psalms for Evensong the week before and used them for the 1st Evensong. So the Psalms for 1st Evensong of the First Sunday in advent are the same as the Psalms for 2nd Evensong of the Sunday Next Before Advent.

The readings come from the 1928 daily office lectionary.

The Antiphons for the Benedictus and Magnificat came from several online sources, including but not limited to: St. Gregory Orthodox Church in DC which has its antiphoner online and the blog, On the Road to Emmaus. I thank them both for putting these resources online. I do not of course mean to say we should take their work without compensation or alteration. The point of this book is to show what is possible, not to advocate every detail.

The Graduals, Alleluias, and Tracts also come from various online sources.

The Mass readings for week days come from an English translation of the Sarum Missal.

As other things come up I will make a note of it.

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