Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Blessing of the Water

Blessing of the Water

The water in the font shall be changed every month once at the least, and afore any child be Baptized in the water so changed, the priest shall say at the font these prayers following.

O MOST merciful god our savior Jesus Christ, who hast ordained the element of water for the regeneration of thy faithful people, upon whom, being baptized in the river of Jordan, the holy ghost came down in the likeness of a dove: Send down we beseech thee the same thy holy spirit to assist us, and to be present at this our invocation of thy holy name: Sanctify this fountain of baptism, thou that art the sanctifier of all things, that by the power of thy word, all those that shall he baptized therein, may be spiritually regenerated, and made the children of everlasting adoption. Amen.

O MERCIFUL God , grant that the old Adam, in them that shall be baptized in this fountain, may so be buried, that the new man may be raised up again. Amen.

GRANT that all carnal affections may die in them; and that all things, belonging to the spirit may live and grow in them. Amen.

GRANT to all them which at this fountain forsake the devil and all his works: that they may have power and strength to have victory and to triumph against him, the world, and the flesh. Amen.

WHOSOEVER shall confess thee, o lord: recognize him also in thy kingdom. Amen.

GRANT that al sin and vice here may be so extinct: that they never have power to reign in thy servants. Amen.

GRANT that whosoever here shall begin to be of thy flock: may evermore continue in the same. Amen.

GRANT that all they which for thy sake in this life doe deny and forsake themselves: may win and purchase thee O Lord which art everlasting treasure. Amen.

GRANT that whosoever is here dedicated to thee by our office and ministry: may also bee endowed with heavenly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded through thy mercy, O Blessed lord God, who doest live and govern all things world without end. Amen.

The Lord be with you.
Answer. And with thy spirit.

ALMIGHTY ever living God, whose most dearly beloved son Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins did shed out of his most precious side both water and blood, and gave commandments to his disciples that they should go teach all nations, and baptize them in the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost: Regard, we beseech thee, the supplications of thy congregation, and grant that all thy servants which shall be baptized in this water prepared for the ministration of thy holy sacrament, may receive the fullness of thy grace, and ever remain in the number of thy faithful, and elect children, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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