Thursday, May 5, 2016

Office Hymns: Compline: Ascensiontide, Whitsuntide and The Holy Name

O Christ, our Hope, our heart’s Desire - Jesu, nostra Redempcio - Chandler
O Christ, our Hope, our heart’s Desire,
Redemption’s only Spring!
Creator of the world art Thou,
Its Savior and its King.

How vast the mercy and the love
Which laid our sins on Thee,
And led Thee to a cruel death,
To set Thy people free.

But now the bands of death are burst,
The ransom has been paid,
And Thou art on Thy Father’s throne,
In glorious robes arrayed.

O may Thy mighty love prevail
Our sinful souls to spare;
O may we come before Thy throne,
And find acceptance there!

O Christ, be Thou our lasting Joy,
Our ever great Reward!
Our only glory may be it be
To glory in the Lord.

All praise to Thee, ascended Lord;
All glory ever be
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Through all eternity.
Whitsuntide and The Holy Name
Now let our voices rehearse our Lord's - Alma chorus Domini -

Now let our voices rehearse our Lord's dear titles in order:
King, Messais, Emmanuel, Savior, and Lord of Sabbaoth;
Consubstantial, the Way and the Life, the Hand, Only-begotten,
Wisdom and might, Beginning, the First-born of every creature,
Alpha and O we name him; at once both the Head, and the Ending, 
Fountain and Source of all Good, our Advocate and Mediator,
He is the Heifer, the Lamb, Sheep, Ram, the Worm, Serpent, and Lion;
Mouth and Word of God, Light, Sun, Glory, Splendor, and Image ;
Blossom, Bread, Vine, Door, Rock, Mountain, and Stone of the Corner ;
Angel and Spouse of His Church, the Shepherd, the Priest, and the  Prophet;
Mighty, Immortal, Supreme, the Lord God, Omnipotent, Jesus ;
These be Thy titles, Jesu, to Thee be all honor and glory
O may he save us, [to Whom] be the glory through ages of ages.  Amen.

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