Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Sequence Chants: Sanctoral Cycle


Sanctoral Cycle


Common of an Apostle One


Illustrious council of apostles holy,  

ruling the divers kingdoms of the world,  

The Church's guide in life and conversation.  

Which, by thy doctrines, in the faith stand fast.  

Lo! Antioch and Rome yield unto thee,  

O Peter, both their kingdom and their throne:  

Greece, Alexander's realm, thou Paul hast seized.  

The savage Ethiopians, Matthew, thou  

Hast with the white fleece of the lamb invested.  

Which with no spot or blemish is defiled.  

Thomas, Bartholomew, John, Philip, Simon, 

 James, both the Great and Less, Andrew, Thaddasus,  

Ye warriors of God of high renown.  

The east and west, yea, and the whole round world.  

Account it joy that they may call you fathers  

For whom they look to sit in judgment on them;  

For which cause unto you, ye holy men,  

The universe, as is its bounden duty,  

Doth tribute pay of reverence and honor.  


Common of an Apostle Two


Let the Church catholic sing Alleluia! 

Extolling high the apostolic band;

Of whom, by virtue of the holy cross, 

Peter, their prince, ascended up to heaven. 

The Doctor of the world his triumph wins 

In Nero's time, in Romulus' great city. 

The cross on Andrew glory doth confer, 

And both the Jameses wear the martyr wreath; 

The one “Egeas'' hand, the other twain 

The nation of the Jews to heaven consigned. 

In token of their Master's approbation 

Matthew and John have each a special favour: 

The one by Hyrtacus is slain, the other 

Jesus himself to his own banquet bids. 

Philip, that learned teacher of the truth, 

In Scythia, preaching, finished his course. 

Thomas in India by a lance was slain; 

Simon and Jude, whilst they the holy message 

Entrusted to their lips to Persia bear, 

Each in the blood-red martyr-robe are clad; 

Bartholomew speaks words of life to Ind; 

By lot Matthias was apostle named. 

Then let the earth, the courts of heaven, applaud, 

The Church here present add her acclamations, 

The apostles high and holy acts extolling. 

These are the candlesticks before God's face; 

These in the palace of the mighty King 

Exalted sit, in place pre-eminent. 

Salt of the earth, light of the world, are these, 

Like heavenly luminaries brightly shining 

These bear the palm, these wear the crown already; 

Already for them is the table set. 

Oh, then, how great, how glorious, how joyous 

Their festal day, which now we celebrate! 

Let this our annual commemoration, 

Our mention of their acts, our praises due, 

Be pleasing to them in the courts above.


Common of an Evagelist


To Christ your voices raise 

in glorifying praise,  

ye reverential quire ; 

Who the evangelists, 

truth's earnest dogmatists,  

did with his grace inspire : 

Who, as him doth beseem, 

who by the lightning's gleam  

unto the world gives light ; 

By these whom he chose out 

he heresies doth rout,  

and schism puts to flight. 

These are the fountains four 

from whence the rivers pour  

o'er hill and glade to reach ; 

From paradise they spring, 

the world illumining  

with undivided speech. 

Four living creatures show 

these four to us below,  

so holy vision says : 

Each differing in form, 

in action uniform,  

before the prophet's gaze. 

With wings of fashion fair, 

poised o'er the earth in air,  

forth with their wheels they go ; 

Calm and composed of mien, 

and full of eyes, and keen  

the Word of God to show. 

In these we may behold 

the twice two rings of gold,  

which Israel's ark did bear ;   '

Their doctrine's wholesome sound, 

Christ's Church wherever found,  

its keeper, doth declare. 

On such a car conveyed, 

the queen of Sheba paid  

her court to Solomon ; 

These the Lamb's chariots are, 

who, for the love he bare  

towards us, to death was done. 

Christ is the head and end, 

who all doth comprehend,  

in these four gospels found ; 

Upon their teaching staid, 

their instrumental aid,  

the Church her faith doth ground. 

At their blest intercessions 

may Christ from all transgressions  

deliver us through grace ; 

And by the word they teach, 

direct us till we reach  

in heaven a resting-place.


Common of a Martyr or of a Martyr Bishop


Now let us sing with instruments well tuned  

the feast of N. in divers kinds of voice,  

Paying our due thanksgivings to the Lord,  

much to be had in reverence of his saints,  

Whom with high gifts and virtues manifold  

he doth adorn and richly beautify.  

In them, as though in instruments of music,  

faith doth with her own finger touch the strings  

discoursing high of virtues excellent ;  

As on each single string she lays her hand  

she blends it in the fourfold melody,  

which she, that mother of all grace, evokes,  

Composing their harmonious symphony,  

without which all is dissonant,  

yea, trifling, poor, and vain ;  

With which all is unisonant,  

yea, fraught with endless gain ;  

Aided by faith the just in holy lives,  

seeking to climb the heights of starry heaven,  

sing forth new songs, and tune their harps in gladness.  

May we who keep their feast be counted meet  

to hold with them in heaven communion sweet.


Common of Many Martyrs One


Alleluias softly sounding,  

Chant the martyr's requiem ; 

Angel hosts in joy abounding,  

Bright in heavenly glory gleam : 

Holy, holy, holy, crymg.  

As Christ's herald' doth beseem. 

In the brilliant habitations  

Where apostles throned in state 

Judge all tribes and tongues and nations,  

Shining with effulgence great. 

These who all as loss have counted,  

Lesser stars, in order wait. 

Martyrs o'er the world victorious  

Stand in raiment white arrayed. 

Saints in snowy chaplets glorious  

There are seen, who undismayed 

Witnessed a good confession.  

Ne'er the faith and truth betrayed. 

Heaven is now their habitation,  

Uttering words for triumph meet. 

Chanting hymns of exultation,  

Blending skill with voices sweet, 

They before him lowly bowing,  

Christ the King submissive greet. 

Much the spirits sing thy praises,  

Virgin choirs rejoice in thee. 

All the heavenly host upraises  

In harmonious jubilee,  Alleluia, alleluia,  

To thy spotless purity. 

Praise to thee who aidest ever  

All who so thee glorify ; 

We to Christ with tuneful fervour  

Lift our alleluias high : 

In that kingdom fair and shining  

May we sing unceasingly. 


Common of Many Martyrs Two


God is much to be admired 

In the saints whom he inspired, 

Great and wondrous acts they wrought, 

Firmly 'gainst the world they fought. 

Judges' threatenings they o'ercame, 

Stripes could not their courage tame; 

Vain each soft cajoling breath; 

For their king they welcomed death. 

Therefore now they triumph high, 

Laurel-crowned in victory: 

Following with duteous heed 

Where Christ's holy footsteps lead. 

To the Lamb, renowned Name, 

Hymns they pour with sweet acclaim: 

O may we who keep their day, 

Join, through him, their bright array!


Common of a Confessor and Bishop, Confessor and Doctor, Confessor and Abbot, or Any Confessor


The festive day is come  

Which brings to us great joy, 

When holy Church gives thanks acceptable to God. 

This day the heavenly host sings, Glory in the highest, 

With voice and symphony melodious. 

This day the holy armies of the heavens 

Unite with us in praise of God our king,  

Christ, of the holy virgin Mary born. 

Hail, noble prelate N., thou flower of saints ! 

With stedfast faith, Christ's footsteps following. 

Thou hast attained the everlasting kingdom ; 

Already to their courts the blessed welcome thee. 

To thee unitedly our suit we make. 

Our frail life by thy blest protection aid.  

Praise, glory to thee, blessed, holy N.  

Entreat for us, O blessed, holy N., 

That in the heavenly temple we may stand, 

Fulness of joy beholding in thy presence. 

Praise, honour, and thanksgiving pure 

Be unto God, who doth for evermore endure.  

Let all things say. Amen.  


Common of a Confessor and Bishop Two


Now, holy band, tell out your highest praise abroad, 

To give resplendent honours unto N., 

Who shines above the moon, and sun, and stars, 

And glitters with high deeds in place pre-eminent ; 

For this is he whom wisdom's mystic lore 

Did marvellously grace, and gave him lustre, 

Which richly lighted the whole universe. 

Upon the field of souls he scattered wide 

The seed prolific of the Word divine. 

Dispersing all the darkness of the night.

Earnest in speech, as bearing in himself  

A heavenly inspiration, by his preaching  

The whole church catholic he builded up.  

Now set on high, in glory he exults,  

Midst the bright tents of angels triumphing.  

There, lifted up to loftiest place, he stands,  

In full fruition of exhaustless life,  

In Christ's rich pastures of salvation.  

Worthy of praise is that most eminent  

Prelate, who hath such joys attained  

For excellency of his deeds,  

Whereby he shone resplendent as a torch.  

We, with loud voice, rejoicingly  

Pour forth our willing supplications to him.  

That he would bring us aid, and by his prayer  

Obtain for us eternal recompense.  

Thou gem of prelates, such the boon we crave  

With meet devotion, and with minds sincere,  

Instantly for thy favour making prayer.  

That we may pass beyond the sacred threshold.  

And, standing there within the lofty palace,  

Find joyful welcome in that kingly realm.  

In this thy court we, holy prelate, wait.  

And with great joy and festal jubilee  

Sing now our sweet and lofty alleluias.


Common of a Virgin and Martyr


Let us exult upon this festive day,  

The mighty acts commending of the Lord,  

Who in his saints his greatest works doth show —  

Whose power in virgin deeds most brightly shineth ;  

For by his grace they the world's pomp despised,  

And virgin courage kings' commands withstood.  

Wrath madly rages ; vanquished spite, embittered  

'Gainst tender flesh, more torments doth devise.  

But now more steadfast do the virgins stand,  

While tortures new are multiplied upon them,  

Rejoicing that their bodies are afflicted  

For everlasting glory, which they look for,  

Seeing the joys of this world pass away.  

And suddenly glide by and fade as flowers.  

In such a virgin lot shone brightly N.,  

Whose holy feast we celebrate to-day.  

As amidst lesser lights the day-star gleams.   

Blest virgin, who didst bear all fearlessly.  

And for that glory willingly didst die,  

Devoutly intercede for us with God,  

That with thee we may joy in heavenly courts.  

O radiant virgin, may we praise the Lord  

In glory. In the saints' eternal peace.


Common of a Virgin not Martyr


A holy virgin, worthy to be reckoned  

Amongst the wise, O friends, we celebrate ;  

A daughter she of the king's mother Mary,  

Adopted sister of the Son of God.  

She with the curb of fasting tamed her flesh,  

And cut off luxury by suffering's sword.  

With all the enemy's assaults she wrestled ;  

Trusting in Christ, she smote and vanquished him.  

With joyous spirit following the bridegroom,  

Who from the courts of heaven did visit her.  

Into his chamber hasted she to enter.  

O thou, in fulness of delights abiding,  

Plead before Christ our present low estate,  

And ask for us a plenteous consolation. 


Common of Matrons


A woman justly praised, 

a parent firm and chaste, 

with no reproach to vex her 

which barrenness doth cast.  


Fruit thirty-fold she yielded 

while yet a wedded wife ; 

but sixty-fold she rendered 

when in a widowed life.  


Her loins with strength she girded, 

and practised self-command ; 

her candle went not out by night, 

so busy was her hand.  


Her marriage honourable was, 

pure was her widow's grief; 

amongst the aged reverence 

was paid to her in chief.  


As holy scripture teacheth us, 

a virtuous woman's price 

is far above the richest gems 

of earthly treasuries.  


In silence it was her delight 

to learn in wisdom's school, 

nor sought she any wise to gain 

over her husband rule.  


Not she a widow who is said 

in wanton pleasure to be dead,  

but doing good alway ; 


Finding a holy occupation 

in acts of prayer and supplication  

throughout the night and day.  


Strangers with hospitality  

she lodged, and washed with charity  

the saints' wayfaring feet ;


And those on whom affliction weighed, 

with kind relief and holy aid  

she graciously did greet.    


O holy N., whom we revere, 

whose feast with the revolving year  

hath now returned again ; 


Chaste, prudent, faithful matron, pray 

for us, that, this life o'er, we may  

in joys eternal reign. Amen.


Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost


Come, O Holy Ghost, inspire

hallowed thought and pure desire,

with thy bright celestial fire.


Come, thou parent of the poor,

come, thy blessed gifts assure,

come, thou heart-enlightener pure.


Comforter, with us condole,

kind host of the pilgrim soul,

sweetest refuge of our fears.


Thou, who art in toil a rest,

shade, when with the heat oppressed,

solace in this vale of tears.


O thou very blessed light,

make our hearts' recesses bright ;

knowledge of thyself bestow ;


For without thy rays divine,

nought can e'er unsullied shine,

nought escape from guilt and woe.


Wash all that is vile away ;

with soft dews our drought allay ;

heal the wounds of Satan's fray.


Bend the stubborn to obey ; ^

warm these icy frames of clay ;

guide the~ernng lest they stray.

Grant thou to the pure and just,

who in thy protection trust,

of thy sevenfold gifts the store ;


O'er them grace and virtue pour,

open wide salvation's door,

give us joy for evermore.'


Votive of the BVM in Advent 1,2,3


From heaven Gabriel was sent,

the messenger intelligent,

to speak in accents reverent

with Mary, blessed maid ;

An excellent and kindly word

Is In that lowly chamber heard ;

Eva the angel doth discard,

and Ave saith instead.


The fulness of the time is come,

behold the Word is flesh become ;

yet to that holy virgin's womb

is no dishonour done.

She bears who doth no husband know ;

no pains of travail or of woe

doth the unsullied virgin show,

when she brings forth a Son.


New is the thing and strange to see —

believe, it is enough for thee :

for such as thee it may not be

to loose the sandal's tie.

A sign beyond thy power to know

the unconsumed bush doth show ;

lest any. with unloosened shoe

dare rashly to draw nigh.


The sapless rod, devoid of dew,

by a new rite, a manner new,

decked both with flower and fruit we view,

so did the virgin bear.

Right blessed is such fruit, 1 trow —

fruit of rejoicing, not of woe.

Adam had triumphed o'er his foe,

if such had been his fare.


Jesus our Saviour, Lord alone,

a holy mother's holy son,

who hath in highest heaven his throne,

is in a manger laid.

May he who came in such a guise

blot out all our iniquities,

seeing our earthly sojourn is

with danger overspread.



No one lower in grade

to the virgin is sent,

but an archangel dread,

mighty Gabriel, went

on that message of love.

Such a herald renowned

might such message explain,

and the new grace expound,

and a forecast most plain

of her child-bearing prove.


For the glorious king

nature's orders and laws

in subjection did bring,

the old leaven and dross

casting out in his might.

The high looks of the proud

to confusion he turned,

and the arrogant crowd

underneath him he spurned,

as one valiant in fight.


The world's prince in his pride

let him cast forth in shame,

and give parts to his bride

of the kingdom and fame

of his Father on high.

On thy embassage go

these great gitts to narrate,

back the curtain to throv/

from the mystery great,

which in scripture doth lie.


"With thy message draw nigh,

say, " Hail," reverently,

full of grace from on high,

lo ! the Lord is with thee ;

fear not, thou blessed one.

Do thou, virgin, comply

with what God doth reveal,

so thy vowed chastity

shall keep sacred its seal,

yet his will shall be done.


The chaste maiden believes

when the words she doth hear,

and forthwith she conceives,

and a Son she doth bear —

Him of wonderful name,

him the counsellor grave,

all the world for to guide,

God, the mighty to save,

Father, aye to abide,

in peace ever the same.



Now let that good and gracious word

' ave ' with our sweet strain accord,

which makes thy chamber ready, Lord,

the virgin, mother, child.

She to that ' ave ' giving heed,

virgin of David's stock decreed,

without delay conceived seed,

lily midst briars wild.


Hail mother of true Solomon,

hail, wondrous fleece of Gideon,

the magi to thine infant son

their triple offerings bring.

Hail, thou of whom a sun is born,

hail, thou who to a world forlorn

and lost by sin, a child hast borne,

who is both God and King.


Hail, mother of the Word divine,

safe harbour, of the bush the sign,

pillar of smoke of incense fine,

mistress of angel bands.

We supplicate thee, us amend,

and when amended us commend ;

let us have joys that never end

at thy Son's bounteous hands.


Votive of the BVM Christmas to Advent 1-7


Mary, after travail, virgin.

Mother who gavest birth to God,

Made by his power full of grace.

Hail, Lady of all earth below !

Hail, gracious Queen of heaven above 1

Let heaven and all the concourse of the saints.

To thee pour forth harmonious symphonies ;

Let earth, woods, waters, cry aloud to thee.

Illustrious Parent, blessed mother, hail !

Whence light and truth were to the world made known,

Thou at thy holy paps hast Jesus fed.

Virgin which hast brought forth — a mother yet a maid !

Wherefore, O Lady, listen to our vows ;

For man's salvation intercede with Christ.

Through thee, O mother, let, we pray,

Thy children's sins be done away ;

And unto us be entrance given

To everlasting joys of heaven;

And glory may be there secure,

Where life for ever doth endure.



Hail, Mary, highly favoured !

The Lord is with thee, gentle Maid,

Thou art above all women blest,

Who peace to all mankind broughtest,

Joy to the angel's heart.

The fruit of thy womb blessed be.

Who hath ordained us graciously

With thee to have a part.

By this salutation.

Sweet sign of salvation,

A thing wondrous to hear,

Thou didst bring forth a child :

A new star undefiled,

A new sun thou didst bear —

Thou the temple wast made,

An immaculate maid,

Of Christ our salvation,

The Lamb and the lion.

The flower and the Dew,

By a miracle new.

Bread and Shepherd, were born

Of thee, rose without thorn,

Of all virgins the Queen.

Of righteousness thou art the city,

Thou art the mother, too, of pity :

Theophilus thou didst reclaim

Out of the pit of guilt and shame.

Wherefore, star of the sea.

Sojourn of Deity,

Of the sun dawning ray,

Portal of paradise.

From which light did arise,

To thy holy Son pray.

That we, from all our sins set free.

May by his grace accepted be.

And gain a habitation bright,

Where ever shines unclouded light.



Now let the faithful quire with joy exulting sing,

Alleluya ;

The undefiled brings forth of mighty kings the King;

A wonder rare.

The heaven-descended Counsellor, born of a virgin, doth


sun of a star :

A sun that doth no setting know, a star whose rays do

ever glow,

gleaming afar.

As a star puts forth its ray, so the virgin in like way

her Son doth bear.

Bright the star doth still endure, so the virgin still is pure,

no stain is there.

Of Lebanon the cedar tall is with the hyssop on the wall

made lowly here :

The self-existent Word on high took on him flesh, and


his passion bare.

Esaias this foretold, the synagogue of old knew this, yet

fast did hold

its blindness drear.

Though prophets may rehearse, and heathen Sybil's verse

confirm, hearts still averse

will not give ear.

Believe without delay ; unhappy nation say, why will ye

go away ;

lost people, hear.

No more the scripture scorn, think on the Child new-


whom for this world forlorn,

Mary did bear.



Hail, holy parent, rose

On which thorn never grows ;

Hail, thou fair ocean star.

Deliver us from war.

Mother, do thou increase

The gift of real peace ;

Our miseries relieve.

Reverse the name of Eve. <C

Our ills and troubles stay,

Draw us in thy sweet way ;

Gain pardon for our sin,

All blessings for us win.

By thee, our mother kind,

We Son and Father find ;

E'en as he, born of thee.

Deigned also thine to be.

Cast down high-mindedness,

O Saviour limitless !

Make thou the haughty mild,

Exalt the undefiled.

So let thy grace prevail,

O virgin, mother, hail,

Let us on high with thee

Sing praises endlessly.

O Father, I this day

To thee due homage pay.

And to thy gracious Son,

In mystic union.

Let us praise God, the Father's Son,

Whom Mary in her womb hath borne ;

Whom let the earth, the sea, and sky,

Praise and adore incessantly.

Let all arise with one consent

To turn away his anger bent ;

Each one acknowledging his sway,

Whom moon, and stars, and all obey.

Blest mother, in thy low estate.

Us by thy prayers exalted high,

Above the heavens elevate.

Blest in the gift bestowed on thee.

O virgin, most compassionate.

Full of the holy Spirit's grace,

Protect us, to thy Son present.

Blest in the message to thee sent.

Through thee let us attain to joy.

And, joining with the choirs above,

Sing in Christ's name, with one accord,

Glory to thee on high, O Lord.

O Lady with much glory clad.

Our uncouth, crafty enemies.

The lost, bewildered powers below.

Condemned to hell, thou dost o'erthrow.

That which sad Eva lost of yore.

Thou only, mother, dost restore ;

Through thee mankind, raised up at length,

Recover all their pristine strength.

Thou sittest as a queen in state.

Uplifted at the palace gate

By which to us is entrance given

To holy joys with saints in heaven.

Glory to thee, O Lord, on high.

Born of a virgin wondrously.

Together with the Father be,

And Holy Ghost eternally.



On this bright day the festive band gives praise.

And in sweet concert calls on Mary's name.

Purest of virgins, thou alone divine

Queen of the world ; salvation's cause thou art,

The gate of light and heaven, full of grace.

To her was erst th' angelic message sent,

" Hail, Mary ! of God's grace for ever full.

Thou among women blessed ever, virgin.

And mother spotless ; glorious in thine offspring."

To which address thus Mary answering said :

" How can these things thou tell'st of be in me,

Seeing I certainly know not a man.

And am myself born undefiled of man ? "

To whom the angel thus gives holy answer :

" The holy Ghost shall come upon thee, Mary ;

And thou shalt give new cause of joy to heaven,

By bringing in thy Son into the world ;

Bearing within the cloister of thy womb

Him who doth govern the expanse of heaven,

Who upon earth in all times giveth peace."





The light of this auspicious day-

beholds the honors which we pay

to her who God did bear ;

On this high festival we raise

to Mary, ever virgin, praise,

and her deserts declare.


Let every man, at every hour,

before her humble vows outpour,

seek her protecting face ;

Bring their best energies to sing,

With heart and soul, with voice and string,

Hail, Mary, full of grace !


Hail, Lady, mistress of the skies,

hail, ever-maiden, chaste and wise,

thou peerless mother fair.

Unwedded thou didst seed conceive,

thou didst the wondrous grace receive,

daughter the Sire to bear.


Fresh garden which south breezes fan,

path secret kept, untrod by man,

gate closed most jealously ;

Sweet earth by dews of heaven renewed ;

pure fleece of Gideon, bedewed

by showers of Deity.


Hail, brightness of the firmament,

with thy rays circumambient,

visit our darkened soul.

Star of the sea ! the storm appease,

lest tempest-tossed the raging seas

destructive o'er us roll.


St. Andrew


The sacred honours of this festival

With praises due let the whole Church ordain ;

The gentlest of the saints she celebrates,

Andrew, for wondrous grace conspicuous.

When from John Baptist the apostle learned

That One had come who should take sins away,

Entering his house forthwith, he heard his word ;

And, having found his brother Barjona,

Rejoicing saith, " Messias we have found ! "

And led him to the Saviour's gentle presence.

By the sea-side Christ called him, and exchanged

His fisher's craft for apostolic rank —

His soul, after the glorious Paschal feast,

The Holy Ghost did hallow by his power.

And sent him forth to call men to repentance,

And through the Son show God the Father's mercy,

In such a Father boast thyself, Achaia !

Illuminated by his saving doctrine.

Honoured by divers signs and miracles.

Lament and groan, fierce murderer Egeas,'

Thee plagues of hell and death eternal hold ;

Whilst Andrew through the cross in joy abides.

Now thou dost see thy king ; now thou adorest ;

Now, Andrew, in his presence thou dost stand.

Sweet odours now thou dost inhale

Of love divine the spicy gale.

Be thou to us an excellent perfume,

Health-breathing balsam of the life to come.


St. Nicholas


Now triumphing in concord meet

let us our voices raise,

Upon this yearly festival

saint Nicolas to praise.

Who fasted while an infant yet

he did in cradle lie ;

And at the very breast began

to merit joys on high.

To learning he rejoiced in youth

his reason to apply ;

Refraining from all vicious stains

of sensuality.

A blest Confessor ; such his dignity

a voice from heaven proclaimed ;

By which advancing to the highest grade

of bishop he is named.

Firm in his soul all excellence

of piety was found ;

And many kindnesses he showed

to the oppressed around.

By gifts of gold he from disgrace

the virgin's honour saved.

Relieving, too, their father's need,

by poverty depraved.


Whilst certain shipmen made voyage,

contending with the ocean's rage,

their vessel lost well nigh ;

When now of safety they despair,

in danger's height uplifting prayer

all with one voice outcry :


O Nicolas, thou blessed saint !

in bitterness of death we faint,

us to some harbour lead ;

Lead us to some safe sheltering place,

thou who dost by thy kindly grace

so many help in need ;


While yet, and not in vain, they cried,

" lo ! I am present," one replied,

" for your protection sent."

Forthwith a gentle breeze arose,

the roaring seas sank to repose,

the tempest's rage was spent.


Out of his tomb of holy oil

distils a fountain rare ;

Diseases at its touch recoil,

by virtue of his prayer :


We who in this sad world abide,

already shipwrecked in the tide


of guilt and sin and pain.

Thee, glorious Nicolas, we pray

to that safe harbour shew the way,

Where peace and glory reign.


That unction unto us accord,

by intercession to the Lord,

Whereby the sins he healed then

which wounded Mary Magdalen.


Let those who celebrate his feast

rejoice for evermore ;

And Christ reward them with a crown

when this life's race is o'er.


Conception of the BVM


Let us celebrate this day

whereon piously we say

Mary was conceived.

Begotten is the mother maid,

conceived, created, channel made

of pardon to the world.

Adam's primeval banishment

and Joachim's own discontent

there find a remedy.


This the prophets have foreshown,

this was to the patriarchs known :

the virgin whence a flower should spring,

the star which forth the sun should bring,

on this day is conceived ;

the flower which from the rod should bloom,

the sun which of the star should come,

is Christ interpreted.


O how happy, O how fair ;

sweet to us, to God how dear,

hath this conception been !

Misery now is at an end,

mercy doth on earth descend,

for sorrow joy is seen.

A mother new new ofi^spring bears,

from a new star new sun appears,

new grace doth all inspire ;

The mother bears the generator,

the creature brings forth the creator,

the daughter bears the sire.


O unexampled novelty !

O new, unheard of dignity !

the mother's holy chastity

The Son's conception shows.

Rejoice, O gracious virgin mild !

fair rod with blossoms undefiled,

mother ennobled by her child,

Such grace no other knows.


That which lay hid, in figure sealed,

by clouds mysterious concealed,

the future mother hath revealed.

For once a virgin pure and good

reversed the laws of motherhood :

nature, surprised, beheld a flood

of deity outpoured.


Whoe'er thou art, without delay

open thy lips, her praises pay ;

offer her homage, to her pray,

at every hour, on every day.

With swelling voice, with spirit sage,

by supplicating prayer engage

a portion in her patronage.


Thou of the sad art comfort sure,

true mother of the orphans poor,

of the opprest the help secure,

thou of the sick the healing cure,

all things to all thou givest.

With one consent we ask of thee,

whom praise awaits especially,

conduct us wanderers o'er this sea

unto salvation's port, where we

by grace may be at rest. Amen.



St. Vincent


This day the Lord girds with a robe of gladness,

his faithful soldier Vincent : Alleluia !

With more than wonted acclamation, now

let the assembled company rejoice.


This day the martyr brave to God

brought pleasing offering ;

this day the fiery torment bare,

and cruel suffering :


And from the aged saint's address

drawing encouragement,

refused not to submit his limbs


to sharpest punishment.


Before the judge's presence cited,

touching the Church's faith united

they inquisition make :

He is not caught by guile concealed,

doth not to bitter torture yield,

nor constancy forsake.


Thus Dacianus mocked appears,

while the undaunted martyr fears

no bitterness of pain ;

And to his baffled torturer's crowd

abundant thanks to give aloud,

his love doth not refrain.


The prefect, fiercely angered,

bade next prepare the fiery bed :

the bowels of that insolent

are by the flaming wicker brent.


The martyr strains in that fell strife,

hoping to win the crown of life,

which faithful combatants shall gain

who for Christ's sake the fight maintain.


For his triumphant warfare's sake

the courts of heaven rejoicings make :

because this day he gained success

o'er ministers of wickedness.


That we his countenance may gain,

and so the gift of life obtain,

on this his yearly festival

let joy throughout our quire prevail ;

and in the Church with cheerful sound,

let Alleluias echo round.



Conversion of St. Paul


The feast of holy Paul let us devoutly keep,

Whom with such grace the Lord endowed, that he

Is by the Church called teacher of the gentiles.

The wolf a lamb, the persecutor preacher

Becomes ; with actions changed the name is changed —

Paul he is called who Saul was called before.

By madness urged he poisonous rage breathed forth,

Christ's members with fell cruelty pursuing.

A light from heaven shining round about him

Of sight deprived him, but within enlightened.

Christ buffets him, lest he should be exalted ;

He casts him down, but raises him while falling :

Rebukes him prostrate, but rebuking heals him.

To him the teaching of the faith commits.

Ordains him a defender of the Church.

To him, who once had been an enemy.

Believing, the deep mysteries reveals

Which were not lawful for a man to utter.

Him whom at first the synagogue brought up

Afterwards mother Church rejoices over.

Those mysteries which he had learned, he went

Through the whole world to publish by his preach-


He comes to Rome, and there one God proclaims ;

Nero resists, who worshipped images.

Forthwith he puts him to a cruel death ;

From the world takes him, sends him to the stars.

Whither may God bring us, too, of his mercy

Through aid of holy Paul's prayers. Alleluia !



Purification of the BVM


On this bright day the festive band gives praise,

And in sweet concert calls on Mary's name.

Purest of virgins, thou alone divine,

Queen of the world ; salvation's cause thou art,

The gate of light and heaven, full of grace.

To her was erst th' angelic message sent,

" Hail, Mary ! of God's grace for ever full,"


The preceding line is said thrice on this day only.


Thou among women blessed, ever virgin.

And mother spotless ; glorious in thine offspring."

To which address thus Mary answering said :

" How can these things thou tell'st of be in me.

Seeing I certainly know not a man.

Of whom I am myself born undefiled .'' "

To whom the angel thus gives holy answer :

" The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, Mary ;

And thou shalt give new cause of joy to heaven

By bringing in thy son into the world ;

Bearing within the cloister of thy womb

Him who doth govern the expanse of heaven,

Who upon earth in all times giveth peace."


Annunciation to the BVM


Hail, Mary, hope of all mankind !

hail, gentle maid of holy mind !

hail, full of grace divine !

Hail, virgin such as ne'er was known !

who by the bush wast erst foreshown,

which unconsumed did shine.


Hail, thou rose most fair to see !

hail, thou rod of Jesse's line!

whose fruit innate our sad estate

did bring to liberty.


Hail, for whom no peer is found ;

of joy thou hast restored the sound

to the long-sorrowing earth.

Hail, thou who bearedst in thy womb

a Son whose might should overcome

and loose the bands of death.


Hail, light the virgins to enlighten,

through whom light from on high did brighten

those o'er whom darkness spread.

Hail, virgin, of whom to be born

the King of heaven did not scorn,

and by thee to be fed.


Hail, jewel, heaven's luminary,

hail, Holy Spirit's sanctuary.

O what cause for amaze, how worthy all praise,

is this virginity.

In which, quickened to light by the Paraclete

shone forth fecundity.


O how holy, how serene,

how gentle, how benign of mien

needs must that virgin be.

Who hath bondage cast aside,

the gate of heaven hath opened wide,

and brought back liberty.


O lily pure of chastity,

entreat thy holy Son, for he

delighteth in humility.

That he will not in that sad day

of judgment cast us all away,

But at thy prayer all graciously

will cleanse us from iniquity.

That we in bright abode may reign ;

let every creature say, amen.


St. Alban


Come forth, come forth in triumph, joyous band,

Sing to the Lord high-sounding canticles,

and to the world tell out his wondrous works.

With all your heart, and strength, and soul

the praise of Christ make known.

Who of his saints is life and power,

glory, reward, and crown.


Whose plenteous loving-kindness decks

Alban with golden bay ;

Whose all-prevailing gift of grace

cleansed all his guilt away,

And set his horn of glory up

for ever and for aye.


For when God's gift he had received,

the mystery of grace,

Idols he spurned, not fearing then

the heathen monarch's face.

Whilst to the punishment of death

a prisoner he was led,

He dried the brimming stream, and passed

in safety o'er its bed ;


And by a like effect of grace

the dry and sandy earth.

Did also to a springing well

of water sweet give birth.


O Alban, who, these works achieved,

leaving this earthly plain,

Ascending up, the highest heaven

with glory erst dost gain.

To thee, as to our patron, now

we seek with earnest prayer,


That for the pardon of our sins

thy favour we may share.

For England's people intercede,

and for her everlasting peace.


The last three lines are said twice.


For us thy suppliants obtain

the life where endless joys remain,

and alleluias never cease.


St. John the Baptist


The holy Baptist's yearly festival,

herald of Christ, we celebrate to-day :

Whose life and conversation let us follow,

that to the life he spoke of he may bring us.

Most holy man, thou friend of Jesus Christ,

devoutly we desire to share the joys

Which, unto Zachariah, Gabriel promised

To those who thy nativity should keep ;


The previous two lines are said on the Nativity only.


That through this feast we may rejoice for ever,

where happy saints of God in bliss unite.


The previous two lines are said on the Decollation only.


Thou who the hearts of faithful men preparest,

lest God should error find or treachery there,

We ask that thou wouldst intercede for us

that our continual sins may be absolved ;

That he may graciously be pleased to visit

his faithful people, and abide in them ;

That he whom thou didst point out with thy finger,

the Lamb that the world's sins doth take away,

with his pure fleece may mercifully clothe us,

That we may follow him arrayed in white,

associate with angels, through the gate

of brightest light, O John, thou friend of Christ.


Ss. Peter and Paul


O jocund band, sing forth melodious praise

with symphonies conjoining rhythmic words ;

With special strains chant those true lights of heaven.

who cast their golden gleams o'er all the world,

"Whose trophies flourish in the courts above,

this bright day may their merit sins absolve.

Upon each head a chaplet shines of triumph,

one o'er the cross, the other o'er the sword.

Victorious now, beyond the stars on high

they stand superior in the heavenly realm.

Hence by thy word, O blessed Peter, thou

the mighty door of heaven dost shut and ope.

With favour now receive our faithful vows,

unloosing all the thraldom of our sin.

O holy Paul, thy sacred teaching bring,

illuminate the people's hearts with truth.

And in so far as God may grant perfection,

raise thou their thoughts to things above the stars ;

Where music of the angels doth resound,

in concert of stringed instruments and voice ;

In which concordant symphony combined,

that chief quartette doth excellently blend,

Virtue and justice, prudence, temperance,

wherein the hosts of heaven in ritual due

Harmoniously sing canticles to Christ.

that they may with our choir associate be,

May those great luminaries grant, to whom

high-sounding acclamations we upraise.

Let all redeemed creation cry, Amen.


Visitation of the BVM to Elizabeth


Let the glad feast employ our lay

which Zachariah's house this day

witnessed with happiness :

Great doings there we contemplate :

let then a feast new feast create,

the Church's house to bless.


No higher feast our joy can move

than that whereon abundant love

did gracious token show :

Which blest Elizabeth perceived,

when in old age she seed conceived.

As we from Scripture know.


Let the whole world give welcome meet,

and let the visitation sweet

be heartily adored ;

Her pitying heart's benignity,

her lowly state's humility,

a sacred balm afford.


The spirit of prophetic fire,

both babe and mother did inspire

when Mary entered ;

Endued with comfort so, and strength,

the happy mother saw at length

her time accomplished.


Then of this feast the author true,

O Sion, praise with honour due,

the mother of our Lord ;

Extol her loudly as ye may,

her favour ye can ne'er repay,

nor worthy praise accord.


Thou who didst visit on the hill,

deign in these plains to visit still

our mother Church below ;

Of Christian souls thou medicine,

may that be ours by grace divine

which man cannot bestow.


Of earthly women, thou most blest,

star of the sea, light manifest,

comfort thy mournful servant's breast,

on all thy brightness send.

Grant us that blessedness to know,

which from thy holy Child doth flow,

that so he may on us bestow

a glory without end.


Octave of the Visitation


Come, thou mother of all grace,

succor of our wretched race,

fount of tenderness ;

Light of the Church, come thou, and pour

upon thy servants grieving sore,

a ray of happiness.


As our queen we honor thee,

sing praises to thee joyously

with fervency of heart ;

Thou in troubles and distress,

and when doubts our souls depress,

health and comfort art.


Star brightly gleaming in the sky,

allay the raging tempest high,

which stirs this stormy sea ;

Look on Simon Peter's boat,

on thy Son's holy seamless coat,

let them not rended be.


Haven of those who navigate,

thy children, when they supplicate,

deign graciously to guide :

Do thou the sorrowing console,

give succor to the fainting soul,

the erring gently chide.


By that blest Infant born of thee,

with man thou joinest Deity,

with earthly things the sky ;

Let heresies and schism cease,

and to the covenant of peace

give thou security.


St. Osmund


Let us Messiah's praise essay,

who is the truth, the life, the way,

the glory of the blest :

This joyful day let Osmund's name

and memory of illustrious fame

be by the Church confest.


On this the feast of his translation

the heavenly host with veneration

stand up in reverence :

The Son of God they celebrate,

in whom all hope doth culminate ;

who of his excellence


Made this confessor brighter shine

than Osmund's own illustrious line,

in parentage more high,

Above his military shield

the merits of his virtues yield

a nobler dignity.


Prudent, heroic, self-denying,

on faith and hope for strength relying,

in justice eminent ;

In charity most excellent,

such panoply from heaven sent

All wickedness repels.


Envy and quarrels, haughtiness,

base avarice and unfeelingness,

jests, vauntings, gluttony,

A soldier without spot or stain,

he doth beat down, give up, refrain,

cast out, and make to flee.


Jewels, possessions, robes, and gold,

he, storing treasures still untold,

to the church dedicates :

With these he beautifies the shrine,

but from himself a stream divine

of wonders emanates.


He makes the lame to walk, the blind

to see, the dumb a tongue to find,

the sad no more to grieve ;

Lepers he heals, the dead restores,

nor fails him who his help implores

from sickness to relieve.


O saintly bishop, hear when we

our suppliant voices lift to thee,

to us thy comfort give :

May we be cleansed from stain of sin,

to heavenly courts admittance win,

and in their brightness live.


St. Anne


Under the old law's discipline,

descended from a royal line,

Anne was born on earth.

Long did this illustrious dame

bring forth no child to bear her name,

which to much grief gave birth.


At length the Lord saw fit to give,

her heart in mercy to revive,

the blessing of a child.

Offspring of patriarchal line,

Anne, who dost in lustre shine,

in glory undefiled.


We unto thee petition make,

that for thy signal merit's sake

grace may on us descend.

O Anne, mother, pure for ever !

O rose, right fair, of beauteous air !

with whom the lilies blend.


Thou who didst bear Christ's mother dear,

when we despair, with gracious prayer

to our protection come.

Lo, here of light the spotless shrine,

hope for the weak and medicine,

thy offspring as a queen doth shine

in the celestial home.


May she who is preferred o'er all,

receive through thee our humble call ;

and in the courts ethereal

our advocate become.




Blest be the Holy Trinity for ever.

Deity, Unity, in glory equal,

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

Threefold in name, and all of the same substance.

The Father God, the Son God, in both the Holy Spirit

in Deity associate ;

Yet they are not three Gods, but one true God ;

So is the Father Lord, the Son Lord, and the Holy Ghost Lord,

And yet the Son himself is one true God ;

And so from both proceeds the noble Spirit ;

Persons distinct, and unity in essence,

Majesty, power, glory, honour equal,

Ruling stars, seas, earth, all created things ;

At whom hell trembles, and the lowest pit

Pays homage ; to whom sun and moon give praise,

And the angelic virtues all adore ;

Whom now let every voice and tongue confess.

Let us, too, with uplifted voices sing

Harmonious chants with organ softly blended ;

Let us with acclamations cry. All hail,

Praise in the highest to the Lord exalted !

O Trinity adorable.

By thee we are redeemed :

O Lord ineffable

Do thou all people

Protect, save, rescue, liberate and cleanse,

We worship thee. Almighty, sing to thee ;

To thee be praise and glory now and ever.


The Holy Name


Jesus, the gentle Nazarene,

king of the Jews, of kindly mien,

gracious in life's fair bloom.

That he might his own people save,

himself to death and torment gave,

borne pallid to the tomb.


Sweet is the name, sweet the surname,

no one such title can proclaim,

surpassing all beside.

It sinners soothes, and gives them cure,

comforts the just, and makes them sure,

whatever may betide.


Under the banner of this king

thy life doth cease from troubling,

thy foes before thee flee.

If thou but think upon this name,

warlike array is put to shame,

and thou shalt conqueror be.


Unto this name be honour paid,

which evil spirits, sore afraid,

dread, and before it quail :

This is the name which brings salvation,

the only certain consolation

to aid when sad hearts fail.


This we are bound to venerate,

in our heart's storehouse to instate,

think on it with affection great,

but with heroic love.

Ignatius this lesson taught :

when his good fight the martyr fought,

upon his riven heart was wrought

Jesus, the Lord above.


No higher can our wishes tend

than to have Jesus for our friend,

whose love doth every love transcend,

and never doth upbraid.

He loves us, O how fervently !

he loves us, O how constantly 1

he loves us, O how faithfully !

eager to give us aid.


So wondrous hath he made his name,

that it the hearts of all doth claim,

first in importance, chief in fame,

sweet to our inmost will.

Our human nature's laws ordain

that him who loves we love again,

and all our powers delight to strain

his pleasure to fulfil.


All good doth in that name abound ;

its utterance makes the sweetest sound,

in it is royal merit found,

to hear it gives delight.

In it a father's brightness shines,

a mother's beauty it enshrines,

a brother's honour it combines,


brethren it clothes with might.


The head of Jesus, heart, hands, mind,

bruises and wounds incarnadined,

feet, body, vigour for mankind

are graciously applied.

They grievous pains and tortures bear ;

our sins by these all cleansed are,

our fall'n estate his pious care

doth to revival guide.


Wherefore whoe'er desires may see

why Jesu's name so wondrously

doth cause the good to long that he

may deign in them to dwell ;




Jesus in beauty is most fair,

in goodness is without compare ;

his gentle sweetness all doth bear,

his mercy none can tell.


Jesus is king of noble line,

Jesus is comeliness divine,

Jesus in word doth mighty shine,

in deeds most marvellous.

Jesus, courageous and high-souled ;

Jesus, the gladiator bold ;

Jesus, whose gifts can ne'er be told,

in bounty plenteous.


Jesus, compassionate and kind,

Jesus, bright leader of the blind,

Jesus, all sweets in him we find ;

in him is our delight.

Jesus, in glory high renowned,

Jesus, by all men fruitful found,

Jesus, with every virtue crowned,

gives comfort infinite.


Above all might, the mightiest,

above all honour, lordliest,

above all love, the loveliest,

all praise to him pertains.

In knowledge he doth all transcend,

his circuit doth to all extend,

his love all hearts doth apprehend,

and captive made detains.


Hail ! name so precious to the ear,

sweet Jesus ! name which all revere,

may nought on earth prevail to tear

this title from our heart.

By this let sin be done away,

to this let each one homage pay,

through this in heavenly bliss we pray

may we obtain a part.



Dormation of the Blessed Virgin


From our first mother Eva's sickly branch

Mary the blooming rose proceedeth forth;

Bright as amidst the stars the morning star,

And fair in beauty as the moon she came;

Sweet beyond balsam, ointments, frankincense;

As violet glowing, dewy as the rose;

White as the lily, she who was preferred

To bear the highest Father's holy child,

That of a virgin's flesh immaculate

Lie might upon him take flesh hallowed.

Great Gabriel brings the message of new joy,

Th' arising of the eternal king on earth,

And to his mother thus gives salutation:

Blessed art thou, queen of the universe,

Thou shalt bring forth the everlasting- king.

She answered, How can I thus fruitful be,

Seeing a man I know not, from my birth

Ever a virgin chaste continuing?

Fear not (the angel answered), upon thee.

Chaste as thou art, the Holy Ghost shall come,

Whereby thou shalt bear God and man in one.

O truly holy, truly to be loved !

Of whom redemption hath for us arisen,

Salvation of the world, and our true life.

Mother of God, accept our prayers this day.

Whereon to heaven's portals thou wast borne.

Dear to the Father, Jesus' mother pure.

The Holy Spirit's temple thou wast made.

Pair spouse of God, thou Christ the king hast borne;

Lady thou art in heaven and in earth.

This day hosts met thee from the court of heaven.

And to the starry palace led thee up.

Jesus Himself, to welcome thee his mother.

Came with the angels forth, and set thee up

With him for ever in his Father's seat.

With God now reigning, mercifully pardon

Our evil deeds, and ask for us all good.

O gracious mediatrix, next to God

Our only hope, commend us to thy Son,

That we in highest heaven may Alleluias sing.


Octave of the Dormation of the Blessed Virgin


Hail Mary! of the sea bright star, arising

By power divine to give the nations light,

Hail ! gate of Heaven, who brings’t_into the world,

Though closed thyself, the very light of truth,

The sun of righteousness, in flesh arrayed.

Pride of the world, virgin, thou queen of heaven!

Exalted as the sun, fair as the moon.

Behold, how all look up to thee with love.

For thy birth, faithful rod of Jesse's stem.

The ancient fathers and the prophets longed;

Thee Gabriel did show forth, the tree of life.

Which overshadowed by the Holy Ghost

Should of a bloom divine the almond yield.

From rock of Moabitish wilderness

Unto Mount Syon's daughter thou hast led

The lamb, the king and ruler of the land.

Leviathan, that crooked, piercing serpent.

Crushing, thou hast the sinful world delivered.

We for this cause, the remnant that are left.

Revering thee, who in a wondrous way.

Didst bear the lamb who reigneth in the heavens,

Eternally repeat upon the altar

His mystical atoning sacrifice.

Hereby the manna true, which Moses erst

Beheld in figure, now, the veil withdrawn.

Before the eyes of the true Israelites,

True Abraham's sons, is to their marvel set.

O virgin pray for us, that of that bread

Of heaven we may indeed be worthy found.

Help us with foot unsandaled, with clean lips.

And with pure heart, O virgin, mother made.

To draw nigh to the sacred fire, the Word,

Which, as the bush did bear the flame, thou bearedst.

By true faith let us taste the water sweet,

Which in the wilderness the rock foreshowed;

Baptized in the sea, gird up our loins;

Took to the brazen serpent on the cross.

Hear us: thy Son to thee doth nought deny.

Save, Jesus, those for whom thy virgin mother prays.

O grant us to behold the well of lite.

And fix on thee our mind's eyes purified;

By good works to adorn our Christian faith.

That so we may from this world's sojourn pass,

O author of our life, in peace to thee.


Nativity of the BVM


Pour forth celestial ceaseless alleluyas,

With simple acclamations harmonized.

Let the shrill trumpet give the echo back.

For all creation' on this day rejoices

That she, the mother of our Lord, was born,

Through whom life, forfeit once, hath been restored.

She, born of David's line, conceived a Son,

Who should o'er David's kingdom wield the sceptre;

Yet by faith only doth her womb conceive.

From highest heaven the angel speeding saith,

"Hail, Mary, full of grace, holy and blessed

Among all women, thou shalt bear the King,

Who by his might hath doomed the chains of death.

By his own will his own work setting free

And gifting it with life and blessedness."

The maiden doth believe his words forthwith.

Yet marvels she should maid and mother be.

She doth conceive a Son of beauteous form,

The governor of all the universe.

This is the dry rod blooming by God's grace.

This is the only mistress of mankind,

Casting a veil o'er the first mother's guilt,

As the rose doth the thicket decorate.

E'en so in Mary nought is found to harm.

The sin which Christ's first spouse, Eve, brought on us,

The virgin Mary wholly puts to flight.

O virgin, who alone chaste mother art.

Loose thou our bonds of sin, and grant us part

In realms where reign the armies of the saints ;

For thou, terrestial queen, all power dost hold,

"With thy Son ruling over all for ever,

Exalted far above the glittering bands

Of cherubim and seraphim in glory ;

For near thy Son installed, at his right hand

Thou sitt'st, in virtue and in wisdom shining.

For this cause thy nativity this day

Brings to us yearly joys; the courts resound

"With hymns in praise of thee, O Virgin Mary.

Through every clime the Church cries Alleluia;

And heaven's pavilions swell the panegyric,

Unto the highest eminence uprising.

The beginning of the holy Gospel according to Matthew.


Exaltation of the Holy Cross


Let us extol the cross's praise,

and in its special glory raise

exultingly our voice ;

Let dulcet sound to heaven resound,

o'er the sweet wood of holy rood

'Tis fit we should rejoice.


Let life and words concordant be:

when life at one with words we see,

the symphony is sweet.


The cross let all its servants praise,

by which new life and healthful days

upon them are bestowed ;

Let each and all together cry.

Hail, cross, the world's recovery,

salvation-bearing rood !


O how blessed, how renowned

is this saving altar' found

on which the Lamb was slain —

Spotless Lamb, by whom mankind

full deliverance doth find

from sin's primeval stain.


The ladder this to sinners given,

by means of which Christ, king of heaven,

drew to him all our race ;

This doth the form thereof display,

the arms outstretching every way

the world's four parts embrace.


These are not novel mysteries,

not newly doth the cross uprise

its mighty power to show ;

This sweetened erst the bitter well ;

Moses did from the rock compel

water by this to flow.


No safety in the house abides

till by the cross who there resides

his threshold doth secure :

No danger from the murderous foe,

no sad bereavement doth he know,

who thus doth help procure.


The widow, lacking fire and food,

who at Sarepta gathered wood,

the hope of safety gained :

Without two sticks for faith to use,

barrel of oil and scanty cruse

had increase ne'er obtained.


In ancient writ the cross lay hid,

yet types did show what now we know ;

to us 'tis brought to light.

Kings credence give, foes cease to strive ;

by this alone, Christ leading, one

doth thousands put to flight.


The cross doth make its servants brave,

and ever victory to have ;

heals weakness and diseases grave ;

before it devils cower.

This to the captive freedom gives,

regenerates our vicious lives,

all ancient dignity revives

beneath the cross's power.


O holy cross, triumphant tree,

the world's true health, all hail to thee !

amidst the trees none such can be

in leaf, or flower, or bud.

Medicine of the Christian soul,

heal thou the sick, preserve the whole ;

things which no mortal can control

thy power cannot elude.


Thou, who the cross didst hallow, hear

us who that holy cross revere:

the servants of thy cross convey

unto the realms of changeless day,

when this life's toils are o'er.

Those whom by pain thou makest pure

strengthen the anguish to endure ;

and when the day of wrath shall come,

of thy vast mercy fetch us home

to joys for evermore.


St. Michael and All Angels


To celebrate thy praise, O king of heaven.

Let all our band harmonious unite,

Our whole assembly singing hymns to thee

On the renewal of high festival

In Michael's honour, he whose ministry

Gives lustre to the mighty universe.

Nine are the orders of the heavenly hosts

By thee created, and these angel forms

Thou makest flames of fire at thy pleasure.

These are the work of thy primeval hand,

"We latest in thine image fashioned.

Nine orders, each retaining its own office,

So teach divines, of heavenly hosts are reckoned —

The angel host, the archangelic phalanx.

The principalities, the heavenly powers,

Might gracious-mouthed, high names of dominion.

And thrones divine, and cherubim ethereal,

And seraphim with hair that glows as fire.

Do ye, O Michael, first of heavenly princes,

And Gabriel, the Word's true messenger;

And Raphael, once on earth a hired servant,

Bear us to those who rest in paradise.

All the commandments of the Father ye

Fulfil, sent forth by Wisdom of the same,

And the co-equal Spirit, one in substance,

Which God ye serve, ten thousand times ten thousand.

In twice ten thousand ministering courses

Your hundred thousand in the palace wait.

To which the king brought back the hundredth sheep.

Born of the Word; and tenth piece of silver,

Over which, found, ye do rejoice together.

Ye in the heaven, we on the earth below.

A chosen band, let us our vows upraise

With harmony of tuneful harp and lute,

That so, the glorious wars of Michael ended.

The incense of our prayers may be accepted

Upon the golden altar before God,

To whom in glory sing we, alleluia.'


All Saints Day


To Christ, the glorious, let our white-robed bands

Sing hymns upon this holy festival,

Extolling all the company of saints.

First, let our voice in Mary's praise,

Through whom the prize of life to us accrues,

O queen, who art both mother and pure virgin.

Gain pardon through thy Son for our transgressions.

May the blest angels' holy congregation,

And glorious archangelic company,

Blot out our sins and set us high in heaven.

Thou prophet, herald, light, and more than prophet,

Lighten our path, and purify our bodies ;

Prince of apostles, with thy holy band,

Confirm, we pray, the hearts of all in truth,

O glorious Stephen, with thy glittering crown.

And all the noble army of the martyrs.

Grant us bold hearts, strengthen our mortal bodies,

That holy cross the enemy may vanquish.

Great Martin, and the company of bishops,

Our meek petitions graciously accept.

Queen of the virgin band, highly exalted.

Mother intact, virgin once great with child,

Holy, and chaste, devoted to the Lord,

Preserve our souls, and purify our bodies.

May monks, uplifting venerable voices.

And all the confraternities of saints,

Govern our times by their unceasing prayers.

And lead us to true joys in heaven above:

Let the redeemed devoutly say. Amen.


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