Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Sequence Chants: Temporal Cycle


The Sequence Chants

Temporal Cycle


1 Advent


Eternal Health of man,

Life of the world, which faileth never,

Light everlasting,

Verily our sure Redemption,

Thou, grieving that this world should perish

By the tempter's power,

Though still in Heaven, in lowliest guise cam'st down,

Of Thine own clemency.

Then taking on Thee flesh

Of Thine own grace and will,

Thou savedst all on earth

Which else had been undone,

Joy bringing to the world.

Our souls and bodies, Christ,

Deign Thou to purify,

And take us for Thine own,

Thy undefiled abode.

By Thy first coming deign to justify,

And by Thy second deign to set us free ;

So when in brightness terrible

Thou shalt judge all the world,

May we, in garments incorruptible,

Where'er we trace the prints of Thy blest Feet,

Then follow in Thy train.


2 Advent


Reception giving to the King eternal,

Devout assembly, shout aloud ;

To the Creator give His honour due,

To Whom the heavenly hosts sing praise :

Enlightened as they look upon His Face,

For Whom all living souls do wait

Till they at His command shall stand for trial.

In all His judgments strict and terrible,

Yet in His mightiness remembering mercy,

Save us, O Christ, of Thy vast clemency,

Who for our sake didst suffer agony.

Raise to the stars that brightly gleam above us

The world which Thou dost cleanse from its pollution.

Let Thy saving health appear

Scattering perils far and near,

Give purity to all,

Give peace, we pray.

So we that here are saved by Thy pity,

May reach with joy Thy realm above hereafter,

"Where Thou in Majesty dost reign for ever !


3 Advent


Thou Who rulest earthly sceptres

With Thy mighty hand alone,

Raise up Thy great power, and come,

To Thy people show Thyself;

Bestow the gifts which bring salvation

On Him Whom all the prophets did foretell.

From the bright palace of the sky,

Lord Jesus to our land draw nigh !


4 Advent


Let us all rejoice together

To our God Who all created,

Who hath founded all the worlds,

Made the heavens to shine in brightness,

Divers stars to gleam around ;

Sun, the centre of the system ;

Moon, the glory of the night;

And the other lesser splendors ;

Sea, and earth, and hills, and plains,

Deeps and rivers infinite ;

All the ample space of ether,

Where fly the birds; the winds, the rain,

A 11 go forth to do Thy bidding,

Only Father, God alone ;

Now, and unto endless ages,

Thee their praise doth glorify,

Who for us and our salvation

Didst Thine only Son send down,

Without spot, for our transgressions

l^on earth to suffer death.

Blessed Trinity, we pray Thee,

Rule our bodies and our souls,

Help us by Thy strong protection,

Grant us pardon for our sins.


Christmas at Cock-Crow (i.e. Midnight Mass)


All hosts with one accord

Sing the Incarnate Lord,

With instrument and breath,

Discoursing tidings glad.

This is the hallowed day

On which new happiness

Rose full upon the world ;

On this renowned night

Glory was thundered forth,

By angel voices sung ;

Wondrous unwonted lights,

At midnight hour,

Around the Shepherds shone,

Keeping their quiet flocks.

All unexpectedly

God's message they receive.

Who was before the world

Is of a Virgin born ;

Glory to God on high

In heaven, and peace on earth.

So doth the heavenly host

Sing praises in the highest,

Let heaven at either pole

Shake with their ringing chant.

On this most holy day

Let glory loudly sung

Through all the earth resound ;

Let all mankind proclaim

That God is born on earth.

The foe shall vex mankind

With cruel rule no more ;

Peace is restored to earth.

Let all creation joy

In Him Who now is born.

He all upholds alone,

He all did form alone :

May He of His own grace

Loose us from all our sins.


Christmas at Daybrake


Unto the King new born new praises sing,

Whose Father by His Word d : d frame the worlds,

Whose Mother is a Virgin undefined;

Begotten of the Father, God of God,

Born of His Mother without carnal stain :

Before all worlds begotten of the Father ;

When the full time was come His Mother bare Him.

O wonderful, mysterious generation !

O most astonishing Nativity !

O glorious Child ! Divinity incarnate !

So Prophets, moved by Thy Holy Spirit,

Spake of Thy coming Birth, Thou Son of God !

So at Thy dawning Angels sing Thee praises,

And to the earth glad tidings bring of peace.

The very elements themselves are glad,

And all the Saints exultingly rejoice,

Crying, All hail ! Save us, we pray, O God,

In Persons Trine, one undivided Substance.


3rd Mass of Christmas


This day celestial melody

Was heard by men on earth,

When the Virgin bare a Son

The hosts above sang praise.

What aileth thee, thou world below ?

Why joy'st thou not with these?

In pastoral charge the shepherds watch ;

Hark ! angels' voices clear

Chant forth their strains of holy joy,

Of peace and glory full ;

To Christ they render homage due,

To us of grace they sing :

Not unto all such gifts are given,

But to men of good will ;

Not irrespectively bestowed,

But measured by desert ;

Affections must be weaned from sin,

So shall that peace on us be shed

Which to the good is promised.

Earthly to heavenly things are joined,

In this respect their praises join,

But by desert they are dissever 'd.

Rejoice, O man, when thou dost ponder this ;

*Rejoice, O flesh, associate with the Word.

His rising by the stars is told

With indicating light;

Lo ! star-lit chiefs to Bethlehem

Follow that planet bright.

The King of Heaven is cradled found

Amid the beasts He made,

In a rude manger's narrow bed

The Lord of all is laid.

Star of the Sea ! Thy Blessed Son

The holy Church adores;

That Thou our service wilt accept

Devoutly she implores.

Let each redeemed thing the Redeemer's praises sing.



St Stephen


Great is the Lord in all the earth,

Great are His works in Heaven above,

And in the earth below.

He is the King of Kings and Lord of all,

Before all worlds begotten of the Father.

He of His love and truth doth Stephen now

Exalt from earth to Heaven,

And in eternal life adorn His brow

With glittering martyr crown.

For Stephen, full of grace and power Divine,

Did wonders great, and spake with faith and wisdom ;

But whilst he preached the new and joyful tidings

That our redemption doth no longer tarry,

Looking up stedfastly he saw Heaven opened,

And cried aloud, full of the Holy Ghost,

Unto the multitude which stood around him,

Behold, I see God's glory wonderful

In bright effulgence, and the Son of Man

Stand at the right hand of the power of God.

Which when the impious Jewish people heard

With furious cries they violently ran

And stoned Stephen, crushing all his limbs ;

Yet boldly, patiently, the Martyr stands,

And prays, Lay not this sin unto their charge,

But now, Lord Jesus Christ, receive my spirit.

And when he had said this, he fell asleep

In peace eternal, resting in the Lord.

Pray for us too, O Stephen, holy Martyr,

That we may have a part in joys eternal.


St. John


O John ! Disciple chaste, whom Jesus lov'd,

Thou for the love which thou didst bear to Him

Didst leave thy earthly parent in the ship ;

Unwedded didst Messiah follow, drinking

Pure streams of wisdom from His holy breast.

Thou saw'st the glory of the Son of God

Whilst yet alive on earth, Whom to behold

The saints do look only in life eternal.

To Thee, Christ, triumphing upon the Cross,

In change His Holy Mother did commit,

That to the Virgin thou, thyself a virgin,

W it 1 1 filial care should'st minister protection.

In prison cast, and torn with cruel scourges,

Thou didst rejoice to bear Christ's testimony.

Thou, too, didst raise the dead, and deadly poison

Didst drink and take no harm, in Jesus' Name.

To thee the Most High Father doth reveal

His word of prophecy, denied to others.

Do thou, O John, belov'd of Jesus Christ,

Commend us all to God, in never-ceasing prayers !


The Holy Innocents


Let children sing high melodies,

The Innocents' triumphant lay,

Whom Christ, the Holy Child, did bear to Heaven to-day.

These for no crime, in cruel fraud,

Herod in madness and in rage,

In Bethlehem and all its coasts,

From two years old and under slew.

Herod, unhappy King, alarm 'd

Lest Christ the new-born King should reign,

Is filled with wrath, and seizes arms

With haughty hand and troubled mind,

And seeks the King of Light and Heaven,

Bent to destrov with murderous dart

The lite of Him Who giveth life.

Unable with his clouded mind

To look on that bright light he seeks,

Fierce Herod weaves his dark designs

To slay the band of infant saints.

The wicked King his troops prepares,

Pierces with sword the tender limbs;

Babes at the breast he slays, ere yet

The milk can curdle into blood.

The murderous unnatural foe

Infants new-bom in pieces tears ;

'Ere their frail limbs have gathered strength

Under his feet he tramples them.

O Blessed Innocents ! O blest

The little ones that Herod slew !

O blessed mothers ! ye who there

Such pledges of your love did bear.

O sweet arrav of children dear !

O holy fight of babes for Christ !

Thousands of tender age lie slain around ;

Their mothers' milk flows from them in their thro«.

Angelic hosts to welcome stand

The little white-robed martyr band.

A marvellous victory they win,

Gaining the prize Of life, ere yet the strife begin.

O Christ ! Thee we devoutly pray,

Thou \Y ho didst come the world to mend,

Grant us, with those blest Innocents,

The glories which shall never end !


St Thomas of Canterbury


This day let solemn strains

Resound on earth below,

And o'er the Martyr's palm

Triumph the heavenly host.

What do ye, joyous folk ?

Give thanks with them above.

Let every living soul rejoice,

And with free voice to Christ sing praise.

Let Canterbury at this feast

Devoutly homage pay.

The furious soldier band

Shouts forth the tyrant King's command,

Lawless will and fierce decree

Forced their way full haughtily.

Armed men with passion wild

Places dear to Christ defiled ;

But Christ's footsteps following,

Thomas with unswerving tread

Stood unshaken, undismayed,

In obedience to His King

Meets the sword with steady eye,

-Counting it all gain to die.

*Thomas, rejoice, thy victory adds a lay

To swell the praise of Christ's own Natal Day !

The Martyr's glory is proclaimed,

By divers signs assured,

Within the fane the Pastor Chief

A cruel death endured ;

Nor day nor place from murderous hand

Awe or respect procured.

Star of the Sea ! who didst rejoice to feed

Christ at thy holy breast,

Him do we humbly pray, that in the end we may

With Thomas surely rest,

And through his prayer be blest.


Sixth Day of Christmas


Let us celebrate this day, Christ the Lord's Nativity;

Let the heavenly army's cry ring in praise incessantly,

Giving thanks, and honouring the wedding banquet of their King.

Now new light illumes the land, darkness flees at its command,

Grace descending opens wide the courts long shut on every side :

O happy Mother, undefiled Virgin, who hast borne a Child!

Great with thy Holy Burden, lo ! yet a man thou did'st not know.

Lady, of thee a suppliant crowd doth crave,

Procure from us escape from bands of sin,

O Virgin, blessed of all generations !

For thou alone wast worthy found to bear

Within thy womb Him Who bare all our sins,

Who ruleth things above and things beneath.

Him they above do magnify, rejoicing

In that good state of being which He gave them ;

We, lowly multitude, give Him due reverence,

Beseeching favour of His clemency,

That, granting quiet times and present peace,

He will be pleased to give us holy lives,

Bestowing on His servants meet endowments ;

Heal our divisions left behind at death,

And lead us where no sin or death is known,

Where at the Father's own right hand He sitteth

And reigneth co-eternal over all,

The world disposing by His power, with Him

In concert, present things and things to come ;

On all the just conferring blest rewards

Which shine in brightness, where the true light shineth,

Which is our health eternal and our glory.




Sing we the joyful day,

Right worthy to be praised,

On which the light arose

Most grateful to our eyes ;

The clouds of night retire,

The darkness of our sin

Is past and wholly gone.

This day unto the world

The Day Star of the Sea

The Saviour did bring forth,

New joy to all the earth,

Before Whom hell doth quake,

Dread Death himself doth fear,

For his destruction comes :

The envious Serpent groans,

The ancient pest of man,

Spoiled and captive led ;

Fall'n man, the erring sheep,

Is to heaven's joys restored.

God's host, the angels bright,

In heaven rejoice to-day,

That the lost piece is found.

O offspring highly blest,

Sent to redeem mankind !

God Who created all

Is of a woman born.

O Nature wonderful,

Most wondrously put on !

To Itself taking that which It was not,

Remaining still that which It was before.

The very Godhead is

With human nature clad.

W hoe'er hath heard the like ?

The Shepherd good had come

To seek that which was lost ;

His helmet He put on

Like warrior arm'd for fight :

On his own darts the foe,

0'erthrown,did headlong rush ;

Taken his armour is

In which he put his trust ;

His spoils divided are,

His prey is wrested from him.

Our sure salvation rests

On Christ's most valiant fight,

Who led us to our country, fixed on high,

Triumphing in His glorious victory,

Where thanks and praise we sing to Thee eternally !




Let us duly magnity

This renowned Epiphany,

To the Child of God to-day-

Wise men rightful homage pay.

Whom, immeasurably great,

Chaldee sages venerate.

To whose coming, man to save,

All the prophets witness gave :

His majestic throne on high, —

Such his great humility, —

He refused not to forsake,

And a servant's form to take ;

God from all eternity.

Ere the world began to be.

He was man of Mary made :

Whom predicting Balaam said, —

Out of Jacob, seen from far,

There shall come a flaming star.

Which with power shall smite the host

Of Moab to his utmost coast.

Him their costly offering,

Gold, myrrh, incense, wise men bring.

God, sweet incense ; precious gold

A king ; myrrh doth a man unfold :

Angel-warned, no word they bring

Back to Herod, ruthless king.

Fearing much, in rage and hate,

He should lose his royal state.

Lo ! the star before them went,

Homeward on their journey bent,

Glad they seek their native land,

Heeding not the king's command.

Maddened with exceeding ire

Forth he sends the mandate dire

Throughout Bethlehem's coasts to seek

And to slay the infants meek.

Now the choir their voice unite,

Organs swell with mystic rite,

Bringing to the King of kings,

Praise and costly offerings.

O'er all kingdoms, o'er all lands

May he spread his sheltering hands

Ever present to defend.

Unto worlds that never end.




This day the dawn glows bright above the sun,

Telling how Christ hath fought and glorious victory won.

Jesus hath triumphed o'er the haughty foe

In majesty, and his foul camp laid low.

Unhappy sin of Eve,

Of which all death do reap :

O happy Mary's child,

With whom now feast we keep.

Blest be the Queen, exalted high,

Bearing the King who puissantly

Despoiled hell and reigneth in the sky.

O King for ever, graciously

Accept_our_heralding of thee.

To thee at God's right hand on high,

Crying aloud incessantly.

Death's power in all lands o'erthrown,

Thou in triumph high art gone

To joys of heaven which are thine own.

O vast, O lovely clemency,

Light-giving boon of Christ on high,

Breathing on us benignantly.

Honour to thee and praise.

Who didst the load upraise

Which burdened our old days.

Brightly gleam the courts of God,

Purchased by the crimson flood

Of the Lamb's most precious blood.

By his mighty virtue he

cleansed all our misery.

Granting gifts benign and free.

Awestruck, within myself I gaze

Upon the wonders of these days.

That before our unworthy eyes

Such mighty sacraments should rise.

From the root of David springing,

Of Judah's tribe the Lion, thou

Hast arisen, glory bringing,

Who didst seem a Lamb but now.

Thou who laidst the earth's foundations,

Seekest now the realms on high.

To eternal generations

Recompensing righteously.

Prince of evil, wicked fiend.

What avails thy impious lie ?

In fiery chains thou art confined

By Christ's glorious victory.

Ye peoples! marvel at the tale!

Whoe'er such miracles hath heard?

That death o'er death should so prevail,

Such grace on sinners be conferr'd!

Judea, unbelieving land.

Look forth, and on the Christians gaze.

See how in joyous crowds they stand.

And chant the blest Redeemer's praise !

Wherefore, O Christ, our holy King,

Loose us from guilt, and pardon bring.

Grant that thy chosen bands with thee

May rise in blest felicity,

And of thy grace rewarded be.

The Holy Paraclete's blest comfort. Lord,

We look for, trusting to thy gracious word.

Soon as Ascension's holy day - -•

In solemn joy hath passed away ;

When thou, returning to the skies,

O'ershadow'd by a cloud, to endless praise dost rise.


Easter Monday


Purge the old leaven out, that we

May welcome with sincerity

The resurrection new ;

This is our hope's expected hour ;

Behold this day of mighty power,

By the Law's witness true :

This day hath spoiled th' Egyptian foe,

And let the Hebrew captives go

From iron bondage free.

Who, toiling for deliverance, pined

'Midst clay and bricks and straw, confined

In cruel slavery.

Now let the praise of God most high.

And voices shouting victory.

Break forth in triumph free ;

This is the day the Lord hath made.

This day hath all our grief repaid.

The day of jubile.

The Law foreshadow'd things to come,

Christ, of all promises the sum,

Doth all things consummate ;

The precious blood of Christ outpour 'd

Hath wholly quenched the flaming sword,

Unguarded is the gate.

Jesus, who made us laugh forjoy,

By Isaac is foreshown, the boy

For whom the ram was slain :

Forth from the pit doth Joseph rise,

So, breaking through death's iron ties,

Jesus comes back again.

Free from the serpent's deadly power.

He Pharaoh's serpents doth devour.

Like Moses' rod of yore ;

To those by fiery serpent's bite

Wounded, the brazen serpent's sight

Doth life and health restore.

Piercing his jaw with mystic hook,

Leviathan Christ captive took ;

In cockatrice's den

He, the weaned child, puts in his hand,

Forthwith dismayed he quits the land.

Erst the world's denizen.

To Bethel when Elisha went.

The mocking tribe, by she-bears rent,

Soon felt the bald-head's wrath ;

David escapes in subtilty.

The scape-goat swiftly speeds away,

The living bird flies forth.

With jaw-bone armed hath Samson slain

A thousand men, and doth not deign

In his own tribe to wed :

From Gaza's gates he burst the bar,

And bearing posts and doors afar.

To the hill-top he sped ;

So from the portals of the grave

The tribe of Judah's Lion brave.

On the third day doth rise.

When roared the Father's voice on high,

He to our mother in the sky

Bare back the precious prize.

The whale doth Jonah fugitive —

Of Jonah true figurative —

After the third day forth alive

Out of his belly throw :

The clustered grape of Cyprus' vine

Doth swell and bring forth generous wine,

The synagogue's pale blossoms pine.

The Church doth bloom and grow.

'Twixt death and life the fight is done,

The Lord is risen, the victory won,

Witnesses with th' Anointed One,

Rise many saints beneath ;

Let the new morning's joyous ray

Clear yester-even's tears away.

It is the time of holy-day.

For life hath vanquished death.

O Jesu ! victor, life, we pray,

Jesu, of life the well-trod way,

Whose death hath death abolishM,

Deign us with faith assured to lead

Unto the Paschal board.

O living bread ! O welling spring !

True fruitful vine ! to thee we sing.

Deign us to feed, to cleanse us deign ;

From second death and bitter pain

Deliver us, O Lord. Amen.


Easter Tuesday


Pour forth, chaste band, your holy canticles,

With deep-toned organ-peal accompanied ;

Unto the King who burst the gates of hell,

Our God, repeat your joyful melodies.

"When death he had o'ercome, he rose again,

Bearing perpetual joy to all the world.

Lost souls, that haunt Cocytus' dismal brink.

Unwonted brightness wondering descry

As he doth enter, blessed Lord of life.

The mighty demon multitude.

Smitten with fear and trembling, quake ;

Deeply they sigh and wail aloud,

And much they marvel, who so bold

To break the iron prison-bars.

Meanwhile into the courts above.

Begirt with glittering bands he comes,

And comforts the disciples' fainting hearts.

Let us awe-struck his trophies contemplate,

And with low voice our supplication make.

That we amidst the honour'd virgin band

May celebrate our Easter Festival,

And on the hallow'd Galilaean day

Gaze on the glorious beams of dawning light.



Easter Wednesday


Let all the world with prayer and praise

Their yearly alleluias raise

Easter to celebrate ;

Let infants, by baptismal spell

Washed and made white, renouncing hell,

With them in concert wait.

Let us adapt our slackened strings,

While modulated cadence rings.

Attuned to proses fit.

For Christ is the meek victim made,

Who on the cross, our loss to aid,

Bare vileness infinite.

He, life abiding evermore.

The pains of death all meekly bore.

And drank the cup of gall ;

Sharp words refused not to abide.

Nail-pierced hands and riven side ;

Unmurmuring suffered all.

He, our sins bearing, after death

Descended into hell beneath

Then of the captured arms he bare

Triumphant to the upper air

He made an open show.

Lo ! he, resuming flesh, doth deign

On the third day to rise again.

Bursting death's prison gate ;

Haste we to him, our praise to pay,

By whom shines life's eternal ray,

To heavenly courts the very way ;

On him our blessings wait.



Easter Thursday


Say, our home revisiting,

From what region dost thou spring,

To the world new joys to bring?

With clear voice and placid eyes,

" Alleluia ! " she replies,

" I declare high mysteries ;

I have heard an angel cry,

Christ, the Lord of stars on high.

Hath arisen gloriously."

Forthwith like a bird that flies,

Winging joyous through the skies,

Back she to her fellows hies ;

Tells them that the old law's sway

Is made void and passed away,

And new grace doth reign to-day.

Wherefore your loud voice of praise,

Fellow-servants, now upraise,

Christ this day our ransom pays.

God the Father did ordain

That the Son by hands profane

For our safety should be slain.

To the bitter cross and grave

Willingly himself he gave,

Us from death for aye to save.

Wherefore now each troubled breast

May in safety take its rest,

Winning life for ever blest.

Join we now, O friends, to greet

Easter-tide with homage meet :

Peace in Christ is made complete.



Easter Friday and the Other Sundays in Easter


Unto the Paschal Victim bring,

Christians, your thankful offering —

The Lamb redeemed the flock,

So sinners Christ, who knew no guile.

Did to the Father reconcile.

Meeting in wondrous shock

Lo ! death and life in combat strive,

The Lord of life, who died, doth reign alive.

Declare unto us, Mary, say.

What thou sawest on the way ?

I saw the grave that could not Christ retain ;

I saw his glory when he rose again ;

I saw the angelic witnesses around ;

The napkin and the linen clothes I found.

Christ our hope hath risen, and he

Will go before to Galilee.

Believe we Mary's word alone ; refuse

To heed the sayings of the lying Jews.

Christ from the dead we know is risen indeed ;

Victorious King, have pity in our need.



Easter Saturday


Upon the week's first dawning gray,

The Son of God that blessed day

Our hope and glory rose ;

The king of evil and his crew

Vanquished, hell's portals open threw,

And triumphed o'er his foes.

He by his resurrection blest,

Throughout the world with joy confest.

Doth consolation shed.

Harbinger of his rising then,

Right quickly Mary Magdalen

With her glad tidings sped.

She to Christ's brethren, grieving sore

That their dear Lord should be no more.

Did joy long-looked-for bring ;

O blessed eyes ! which first did see

Set free from death's captivity

The world's almighty King !

This is indeed that woman wailing

At Jesus' feet, whose grace availing

Did wash her sins away ;

While silent she doth pray and weep

For Christ her Lord, affection deep

Her actions all display.

Not ignorant whom she worships there,

Nor yet for what should be her prayer,

Her guilty soul is healed.

O Mary 1 mother of devotion !

Star thou art called of the ocean

By merit of thy deed !

Made equal to Christ's mother, when

That name thou didst receive from men.

Far lower is thy meed ;

She, the world's mistress glorified ;

The sinner, thou, beatified;

The church doth each one welcome in

Of happiness the origin.

The portal, she, through which the light

Upon our darkness davmhd bright :

Thou, herald of thy risen Lord,

Mad'st the world glad in full accord.

O Mary Magdalen ! we pray,

Hear thou our joyful vows to-day :

To merit grace, before Christ's face.

This company commend ;

That so the fount of mercy great,

Which washed thee in thy lost estate.

May cleanse us too, his servants true,

And gracious pardon send.



Octave Day of Easter


Let us with lowly tone

The Saviour's praises sing;

Messiah on his heavenly throne

Devoutly worshipping ;

Who deigned in flesh to shade

His glorious deity ;

Himself of no repute he made

Us lost ones to set free.

He in a manger lies,

Wrapp'd in his swaddling band,

Grieving o'er their lost Paradise,

Who brake God's high command.

He was to Simeon's sight

By Mary's arms conveyed ;

And circumcision's holy rite

Unmurmuringly obeyed.

Cleansing he doth receive

By legal offering pure,

Who sinners doth himself reprieve

And of release assure ;

Permits his servant's hands

His Master to baptize,

The glozing tempter's wiles withstands,

Stones cast in hatred flies ;

God-man, most meek, most high,

Sleeps weary, hath no meat.

Pours forth sad tears in charity.

Washes his servants' feet.

Yet through these lowly signs

Of poor humanity,

Brightly by works and doctrine shines

His present deity.

To grace the nuptial board ' ,

Water he turned to wine,

To blinded eyes he light restored,

Clad with a light divine.

Touch'd by his finger fled

The leper's foul disease ;

He from corruption raised the dead,

And gave the palsied, ease.

He with five loaves of bread

Five thousand satisfied,

On water, as on land, did tread,

The wild winds pacified.

The stammering tongue he freed,

The fevers drove away ;

Ears, taught once more the voice to hear,

Attest his mighty sway.

When 'midst such wondrous signs

His days were gliding by,

He to vile hands himself resigns.

Condemned unrighteously.

Upon the cross to die

He patiently did brook,

I But on his death with darkened eye

The sun refused to look.

The day the Lord hath made

Scarce on the world had shone.

When he to loving hearts conveyed

Tidings of victory won.

His voice first Mary hears.

Next, to th' apostles' hearts.

His word the opened scripture clears.

And hidden truths imparts.

Therefore with one accord

Creation doth rejoice,

And welcome back the risen Lord

With gratulating voice.

The flowers, the fruitful fields,

With new-born freshness spring,

Touched by new warmth, the keen frost yields,

And birds their paeans sing.

O'ercast with sudden shade

Of gloom at Jesus' death.

The sun and moon, now glorious made,

Illumine all beneath.

Fair earth from hill and dell

Doth Christ with joy accost,

Which trembled, threatening ruin fell.

When he gave up the ghost.

Exult we on that day

When Jesus rose again,

And opened wide the living way

By which our life we gain.

Let stars, earth, heaven, rejoice.

And all the quires on high

Upraise their glorifying voice.

To praise the Trinity.



Ascension Day


The almighty King, victorious, on this day,

Having redeemed the world with puissant might,

Ascended to the skies from whence he came.

After his resurrection he confirmed

The apostles' hearts for forty holy days,

Leaving his pledge of love, the kiss of peace.

And gave them power of remitting sins.

And sent them to baptize in all the world.

In grace of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ;

Commanding, as he sat with them at meat,

They should not from Jerusalem depart.

But wait for gifts which had been promised.

" After not many days, the Paraclete,

The Spirit, I will send to you on earth ;

Ye shall bear witness to me in Judaea,

And in Jerusalem, or in Samaria."

And when he had said this, it came to pass


While they beheld, lo ! he was taken up,

And a bright cloud out of their sight received him,

As towards heaven steadfastly they looked.

And lo ! two men, in white apparel clad,

Stood by them, saying, " Wherefore gaze ye so

Into the height of heaven ? for this Jesus,

Who now from you to God's right hand is taken,

Shall so come, in like manner as he goeth.

The intrusted talents' usury to require."

God of heaven, of earth, of sea !

Thou dost man — thy creature erst —

Whom by fraud and subtilty

Satan drave, like him accurst.

Out of Eden's garden fair

Down to regions of despair :

Whom thou didst redeem again

By thy blood and bitter pain —

Bear to paradise once more.

Whence by sin he fell of yore.

Lord, when thou as judge shalt come.

All the universe to doom.

Grant us, we devoutly pray.

Thy beatitude for aye.

In that land of saints, where we

May alleluias sing to thee.




Now may the Holy Spirit's grace

Make us his own abiding place,

Our inmost souls to dispossess

Of spiritual wickedness.

Most gracious Spirit, light of all.

Our minds from darkness disenthral :

O thou, who holy thoughts dost love,

Pour down thine unction from above.

Thou who all ill dost purify.

From blindness purge our inner eye,

To see the Father on his throne

On whom pure hearts shall gaze alone.

To speak of Christ thou didst inspire

The seers with prophetic fire ;

Didst teach apostles without fear

Christ's banner through the world to rear.

When God did by his word create

Heaven, earth, and sky, that fabric great,

Thou, brooding o'er the waters' face.

Didst shed abroad thy mystic grace.

Thou quickenest with fostering breath

Water to ransom souls from death ;

Thou dost revive the hearts of men

With spiritual life again.

The world by variance rent, O Lord,

Thou hast to unity restored ;

Idolaters thou dost recall,

Best Master, to the God of all.

Thou, Holy Spirit, graciously

Hear us who lift our prayer to thee,

Without whom prayers are all in vain.

Nor can the ear of God attain ;

Thou, who enfold'st in thy embrace

The saints of every age and race,

And dost their energies inflame

By virtue of thy holy name ;

A gift unwonted pouring out

On the apostles' band devout.

Throughout all ages yet unknown.

Hast made this day of high renown.



Monday in Whitsuntide


Now let the sacred quire.

With holy symphony,

The promised joys sound forth

In fulness sent from heaven.

Assembled in one place,

The apostolic band

Awaits the glorious gifts.

Forthwith a voice divine.

Filling their hearts with power.

Attests the Comforter.

In every tongue they speak

Some mighty mystery

And wondrous works of God.

In canticles divine

His praises to rehearse

The assembly ceases not.

O God of all the earth,

Thee sun and moon do praise ;

The universal host

Of heaven in concert join

Their voice with waters deep.

Thee sings the genial earth ;

Thee all the glittering stars ;

Thee ransom'd souls adore,

Rejoicing in thy love.

The Jews amazed declare,

Is of new wine's inebriation full ;

Counting those filled with grace as full of wine.

These holy mysteries receiving, Peter

Doth conquer and subdue those hardened hearts.

Affirming this to be foretold by Joel.

Now triumphing our soul

Doth utter songs devout.

That for the heavenly visitant

A place she may prepare.

Let every string proclaim

Thy holy praise abroad.

That we may entertain

Those hallow'd gifts of grace.

All this pure offering

Of melody accept,

That so we may attain

Thine heavenly seat on high.

Whence light for ever flows.

Thou who didst consecrate

Those hallowed feasts of old.

Fulfil us now with light :

Or in thy heavenly realms

Grant us perpetual joys.

O Holy Ghost, thanksgiving meet,

And glory in thy starry seat

Is ever due to thee.

Deign thou in stately happiness

Our souls and bodies to possess,

O Christ, eternally.



Tuesday in Whitsuntide and Ember Saturday


Now prompt, Ojnuse, the fitting strain.

And let the organ lend its tempered might ;

Swell, pipe and string, the joyous note of praise ;

Whilst we, with lifted heart and voice,

Devoutly sing the honour of this day ;

For on this day descends the Paraclyte

Upon Christ's faithful ones, filling their souls with grace.

A sudden sound is heard, and tongues of fire are seen.

And lo ! with accents not their own,

Untaught of man, they speak the wondrous works of God.

Yet carnal unbelief cries scornfully,

" Full of new wine are these : " misdeeming them

Whose hearts the blessed Spirit with love inflames.

It is the fiftieth day

From the great resurrection morn ;

Into their heart of hearts down glides the mystic fire ;

While to the city a clear sign is given.

Then forth they go, a light amid the gloom,

Dropping the word's good seed in every land

With many a sign of power,

While the supernal dew

Blesses the thirsty new-sown field.

And now, O Christ, thy servants waiting on thee

Here in thine house, would fain their voice attune

To that new song which saints in glory sing.

To him be endless glory, honour, power,

Who to all men that serve him faithfully,

In every clime, the Spirit's aid vouchsafes —

Meekly, with one accord, the wondrous gift we seek,

That he, the Holy Ghost, our inmost hearts

First cleansing, with all wisdom may enlighten. Alleluya.



Ember Wednesday


The illustrious day, when from the throne

the fire of God came rushing down

on Christ's assembled band ;

To enrich their tongues, their hearts to fill ;

to kindred praise invites us still

of heart, and tongue, and hand.

Christ on this pentecostal day

revisiting without delay

the bride, his promise sent;

After the honey's treasured worth,

the rock a store of oil gave forth,

the rock now permanent.

From Sinai's mount proclaimed the law

graven on stone the people saw,

not sent in tongues of fire :

Newness of heart, and quickened mind,

with unity of tongue combined,

The chosen few inspire.

O happy, O most festive day !

whereon the early founders lay

the Church's pediment ;

The rising Church's first-fruits born

to life anew this holy morn

three thousand souls present.

The two loaves by the law ordained,

two people represent, retained

By faith's adoptive tie ;

The head-stone of the corner, set

between the two, together met,

hath wrought out unity.

New bottles, not the worn and old,

new wine are suitable to hold ;

with oil Elisha fills

The widow's vessels not a few ;

so on fit hearts his holy dew

God graciously distils.

We are not worthy of this wine,

nor oil, nor of this dew divine,

if discord reigns within :

His consolation cannot find

a place in a divided mind,

or heart obscured by sin.

Come, holy Comforter benign,

our tongues control, our hearts incline ;

if on us thy blest presence shine,

no poison harms, no gall ;

There is no joy, no pure content,

no health, no calm stabiliment,

sweetness hath no constituent,

except thy grace do all.

Thou art the light, the oil to cure,

thou, working in the water pure,

mysterious virtue dost assure

to bless thy chosen race.

By new creation born again,

to praise thee now our hearts are fain ;

by nature sons of wrath, we gain

the privilege of grace,

Thou art the gift, the giver, too,

all good on earth to thee is due ;

with gratitude our hearts endue,

to praise thy name with accents true

do thou our lips ordain ;

Cleanse us, we pray, from all our sin,

of purity thou origin ;

that we, renewed in Christ, may win

perfect life, and bring us in

where joys in fulness reign.



Thursday in Whitsuntide


Now let the sacred band the Lord's high names expand,

Messiah, Saviour, Lord of Hosts, Emmanuel,

Only-Begotten, Way, Life, Hand, Homoousion,

Beginning, the First-Born, Wisdom, and Power,

The Head, and End, Alpha and Omega,

Fountain of Good, Advocate, Mediator,

Lamb, Sheep, Calf, Dragon, Lion, Ram, and Worm,

Mouth, Word, Sun, Brightness, Glory, Light, and Image,

Bread, Blossom, Vine, Mount, Door, Rock, Corner-Stone,

Messenger, Bridegroom, Shepherd, Prophet, Priest,

The Lord, Immortal, God, Almighty, Jesus,

May he our Saviour be, to whom be glory ever.



Ember Friday

Now let all the Church uniting,

Praises meet to God reciting,

Tune aloud their grateful songs ;

On this day the Spirit Holy

Deigned upon the apostles lowly

Grace to pour in fiery tongues.

May the Comforter indwelling.

From our hearts all sin expelling,

Take us for his own abode ;

Gifts and graces high outpouring.

In our breasts devotion storing.

So our life shall_£lease our God.

May we Alleluias singing,

Through all ages ceaseless ringing,

Raise our acclamations high.

Praise ascribe and exaltation,

Honour, might, and adoration.

Unto God eternally.



Trinity Sunday


Blest be the holy Trinity,

eternal Godhead Thou ;

Father, Son, Holy Ghost, one God

To whom all creatures bow.

Three Persons in one Godhead dwell,

One will have all the three

in perfect harmony combined,

nor ever disagree :

Godhead in Unity consists,

three Gods there cannot be ;

So the right faith by Christ set forth

confesses stedfastly.

This is the faith which souls enthralled

doth from their sins release,

And leads them to the cloudless land

of purity and peace.

There in one dulcet symphony

the hosts of heaven unite ;

The steps of Christ enthroned on high

they follow clad in white.

There, while this life's vicissitudes

pass by and quickly fade.

In the changed raiment, which they yearn

to win, they stand arrayed.

We likewise, as in duty bound,

would pay our debts to heaven.

Contracted in this lower world,

as grace to us is given ;

That after death we with the blest

may full communion gain.

And when the righteous doom is fixed

may heaven's high courts attain ;

Where God in glory manifest

pours forth undying light,

Where is the Saviour's face for aye,

that beatific sight ;

That sight doth o'er the angel's breasts

irradiating shine,

While their adoring gaze they fix

on Christ the Lord divine.

Like thirst to theirs the holy saints

in heart and flesh will feel,

When for their righteous deeds the judge

a recompence shall deal.


Corpus Christi


Sion, lift thy voice and sing,

praise thy Saviour and thy king,

praise with hymns thy shepherd true ;

Strive thy best to praise him well,

yet doth he all praise excel,

none can ever reach his due.


See to-day before us laid

the living and life-giving bread,


theme for praise and joy profound ;

The same which at the sacred board

was by our incarnate Lord

given to his apostles round.


Let the praise be loud and high,

sweet and tranquil be the joy

felt to-day in every breast.

On this festival divine

which records the origin

of the solemn eucharist.


On this table of the king,

our new Paschal offering

brings to end the olden rite.

Here for empty shadows fled

is reality instead ;

here, instead of darkness, light.


His own act, at supper seated,

Christ ordained to be repeated

In his memory divine ;

Wherefore now with adoration

we the host of our salvation

consecrate from bread and wine.


Hear what holy church maintaineth

that the bread its substance changeth

into flesh, the wine to blood ;

Doth it pass thy comprehending ?

faith, the law of sight transcending,

leaps to things not understood.


Here beneath these signs are hidden

priceless things, to sense forbidden ;

signs, not things, are what we see ;

Flesh from bread, and blood from wine,

yet is Christ in either sign

all entire confessed to be.


They, too, who of him partake,

sever not, nor rend, nor break,

but entire their Lord receive ;

Whether one or thousands eat,

all receive the self-same meat.

Nor the less for others leave.


Both the wicked and the good

eat of this celestial food,

but with ends how opposite !

Here 'tis life, and there 'tis death,

the same, yet issuing to each

in a difference infinite.


Not a single doubt retain,

when they break the host in twain,

that in each part there doth remain

what was in the whole before ;

Since the simple sign alone

suffers change in state or form,

the signified remaining one

and the same for evermore.


Lo ! upon the altar lies,

hidden deep from mortal eyes,

bread of angels from the skies

made the food of mortal man.

Children's meat to dogs denied,

in old types fore-signified,

in the manna heaven-supplied,

Isaac and the Paschal lamb.


Jesu, shepherd of the sheep,

thou thy flock in safety keep ;

living bread, thy life supply,

strengthen us, or else we die;

fill us with celestial grace.

Thou who feedest us below,

source of all we have or know,

grant that with thy saints above,

sitting at the feast of love

we may see thee face to face.


Dedication of a Church


Jerusalem and Sion's daughters fair,

assembled band, who in the faith have share,

with joyful voice unceasingly declare



For on this day Christ for his spouse doth take

our mother for his faith and justice' sake,

whom he brought out of misery's deep lake,


the holy Church.


She in the Holy Spirit's clemency,

bride in the bridegroom's grace rejoicing high,

in glorious place by queens exaltingly

is called blessed.


Midst plaudits loud forthwith is given her dower,

a dower most wonderful ! a threefold power

reaching to heaven, to earth, and to the lower

dungeons of hell.


Doubt not my words, though marvellous they be,

her from his side, endowed thus wealthily,

As the God-man, a mighty mystery,

himself brought forth.


That in such wise should be the Church's birth —

the woman showed in figure upon earth,

when she from Adam's side first issued forth,

ill-omened Eve.


Eve was but step-mother to all her seed ;

to the elect this mother is indeed

the port of life, and unto those in need

a hiding-place.


Fair, wonderful in off-spring, great in might,

as moon, as sun, she shines in beauty bright,

more terrible than army for the fight

set in array.


One and alone she is, yet manifold ;

receiving all, yet one unbroken fold ;

to multitudes, herself one, young and old

she doth give birth.


This was by Jordan's parted waters shown,

this she who came from distant lands makes known,


attracted by the marvellous renown

of Solomon's lore.


By divers types prefigured, this is she,

in bridal vesture clad resplendently,

above the heavenly hosts upraised to be

with Christ conjoined.


O solemn festival of high delight !

which doth with Christ himself the Church unite,

wherein our own salvation's marriage rite

we celebrate.


O entertainment sweet, assembly blest !

which to the fallen gives consoling rest ;

to them that have lost hope, the sore distressed,

a breathing time.


There are rewards unto the righteous given,

there joy anew God's angels in the heaven,

there hearts are gladdened with the gracious leaven

of charity.


The source of wisdom from eternity,

by gracious, all-disposing scrutiny,

in the due course of things did this foresee

should come to pass.


Therefore, when Christ his marriage-feast shall make,

may we with joy of true delights partake,

and never the blest company forsake

of his elect. Amen.


Ocatave of Dedication of Church or for Consecration of a Church


The dwellings of the Lord of hosts how fair 1

the master-builder's courts how sure they are !

Unharmed by winds, or floods, or rain,

for ever settled they remain.

How majestic their foundations !

shadowy prefigurations

they in mystic type portray.

Formed from sleeping Adam's side.

Eve of the approaching bride

doth a sign convey.

Framed of wood the ark doth save

Noah guided o'er the wave,

when the world was drowned.

Sarah, stricken now in years,

laughs when she an infant bears ;

her joy doth ours expound.

Long widowed, veiled in robes unfitting,

Thamar, by the wayside sitting,

to Judah twins doth bear.

The royal maiden doth deliver

the infant Moses from the river,

in bulrush ark laid near.

This is the male lamb sacrificed,

with which all Israel was sufficed,

and by its blood brought nigh ;

Of Sheba's utmost parts the queen

in quest of wisdom here is seen,

king Solomon to try :

lack, yet comely, see we her,

perfumed with frankincense and myrrh,

with balmy odors fraught.

Thus things to come which types concealed,

the day of grace hath now revealed,

and illustration brought.

Now let us take our rest and sing,

with the beloved tarrying,

the marriage hour is come ;

The trumpets, as the guests go in,

with echoing tones the feast begin,

the psaltery charms them home ;

Ten thousand thousand voices raise

with one consent the Bridegroom's praise,

and Alleluia ! Alleluia ! cry,

in everlasting joy, unceasingly.