Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Proposed Provinces

The Province of New York and the East
Northern New England                 10,185                   10,921                   (Combined ME, NH, VT)
Massachusetts                               21,300                   20,617                   (Combined MA & W. MA)
Southern New England                 21,029                   20,089                   (Combined CT & RI)
Northern New York                      17,240                   16,685                   (Albany, C. NY, Rochester, & W. NY)
New York                                      18,727                   18,009
Long Island                                   14,156                   13,685
New Jersey                                    21,516                   20,816                   (Newark and New Jersey)
Total                                             124,153                 120,822

The Province of Washington & the Mid-Atlantic
Western Pennsylvania                   8,438                     8,195                     (C. Penn, NW Penn, Pittsburg)
Pennsylvania                               17,320                   16,706                   (Penn & Bethlehem)
Maryland & Delaware                16,551                   16,273                   (Maryland, Del, Easton)
Washington                                 13,813                   13,330
North East Virginia                     23,953                   23,669                   (VA)
Europe                                          1,086                     1,095
Total                                           81,161                   79,268

The Province of Atlanta & the South
Virginia                                        16,833                   16,557                   (S. VA, S.W. VA, WV)
Kentuckey & Tennessee              20,369                   19,856                   (Lex, KY E. TN, W. TN, TN)
North Carolina                             21,246                   20,944                   (NC & W. NC)
South & East Carolina                 26,056                   16,664                   (SC, U. SC, East Carolina)                              
Georgia                                         21,488                   21,068                   (Atlanta & GA)
Alabama                                       15,655                   15,549                   (Cent Gulf & AL)
New Orleans                                11,013                   10,787                   (LA & MS)
Total                                             132,660               121,425

The Province of Miami & the Caribbean
Florida                                          21,933                   21,542                   (Cent FL & FL)
Southeast Florida                         12,442                   12,478
Southwest Florida                        12,952                   12,718
Haiti                                             14,199                   15,635
Virgin Islands                                 1,866                     1,814
Dominican Republic                      3,080                     3,214
Puerto Rico                                    2,661                     2,581
Colombia                                       1,184                     977
Ecuador‐Central                            1,219                     1,117
Ecuador‐Litoral                             1,018                     1,053
Honduras                                       5,834                     5,174
Venezuela                                         442                         442
Total                                             78,830                   78,745

The Province of Chicago & the Lakes and Plaines
Ohio & Indiana                            19,873                   19,053                   (OH, S. OH IN, Indianapolis)
Michigan                                      12,894                   12,344                   (MI, E. MI, W. MI)
Illinios                                          14,692                   13,760                   (Springfield & Chicago)
Wisconson & N. Michigan            7,024                     6,867                     (Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Milwau, N MI)
The Five States                            15,321                   14,557                   (MN, NE, ND, SD, IA)
Missouri                                         7,290                     7,118                     (MO & W. MO)
Total                                             77,094                   73,699

The Province of Houston & The South West
Arkansas & W. LA                           7,997                     7,897                     (AK, W. LA)
Dallas & Fort Worth                       12,717                   12,894                   (Dallas & Ft. Worth)
Kansas & Oklahoma                        9,936                     9,620                     (OK, KS, W. KS)
West Texas & Rio Grand                14,605                   14,256                   (N.W. TX, W. TX, Rio Grande)
Texas                                               25,254                   25,286
San Diego & Arizona                     14,491                   14,330                   (San Diego & AZ)
Total                                                85,000                   84,283

The Province of San Francisco, the West and the Pacific
Alaska                                               1,573                     1,463    
California & Nevada                      20,940                   20,416                   (CA, N. CA, El C. R., San J, NV)
Olympia & Oregon                         16,791                   16,120                   (Olympia, OR, E. OR)
Hawaii                                              3,106                     3,003
Los Angeles                                    16,435                   16,078
The Rockies                                    18,535                   18,091                   (CO, MT, WY) (UT, ID, Spokane)
Taiwan                                                  712                         735
Total                                               78,092                   75,906

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Appendix A

Appendix A
How this Book is to be Used
            The purpose of this appendix is to explain the way in which it is envisioned that this book would be used by worshiping communities. First we will look at how different sized parishes might use this book in broad terms. Then we will look at how a relatively healthy parish (ASA 150+) and a large Cathedral might use it in detail.

A Monthly - Fortnightly Mass Parish

            This is a mission or small rural parish that cannot afford its own clergy and consequently only celebrates the Lord’s Supper monthly or fortnightly when their priest can be with them.
            But Matins and Evensong are said or sung on all Sundays and on the Principal Holy Days not Sundays. It is working toward having either Matins or Evensong said or sung daily. 

A Sunday Mass Parish

            This Parish has its own priest and celebrates Holy Communion on all Sundays and on the Principal Holy Days not Sundays.
            It has Matins and Evensong said or sung on all Sundays and on the Principal Holy Days not Sundays. Either Matins or Evensong are said or sung on every day of the week. The Litany is said with Matins or Evensong on Wednesday and Friday.
            On Sundays Matins, Evensong, the Litany and the Eucharist are all celebrated.

A Standard Parish

            This parish has a paid full time priest and celebrates Mass on all Sundays, on the Principal, Greater, and Lesser Holy Days, on the days of the Privileged Octaves, and on feral Wednesdays and Fridays in Advent, Lent, and Easter and on feral Wednesdays in Epiphany and Trinity.
            It has Matins and Evensong said or sung on every day of the week except Saturday morning when Sext is served instead. The Litany is said with Matins or Evensong on Wednesday and Friday.
            On Sundays Sext and Compline are served along with Matins, Evensong, the Litany and the Divine Liturgy.

A Daily Mass Parish
            This parish has Holy Communion daily. Consequently it celebrates the Masses for Sundays, the Principal, Greater, and Lesser Holy Days, the commemorations, the days of the Privileged and Lesser Octaves, the feral Wednesdays and Fridays in Advent, Lent, and Easter and the feral Wednesdays in Epiphany and Trinity on other days it either has the appointed votive mass for that day or takes the readings from the epistle and gospel for the office.
It has Matins and Evensong said or sung on every day of the week. The Litany is said with Matins or Evensong on Wednesday and Friday. Sext and Compline may be served daily or on special days.
On Sundays Sext and Compline are prayed along with Matins, Evensong, the Litany and the Lords Supper. Prime and a Votive Mass of the Holy Trinity may also be said on this day.   
Larger Parishes, Monasteries, and Cathedrals

            This is a very wide range of churches so some extra generality is in order.

            It has Mass celebrated at least daily. The Principal Mass shall be: of Sunday, of the Principal, Greater, and Lesser Holy Days, of the commemoration, of the days of the Privileged and Lesser Octaves, of the feral Wednesdays and Fridays in Advent, Lent, and Easter and of the feral Wednesdays in Epiphany and Trinity. The second Mass (Principal if none of the above applies) shall be the Votive Mass appointed for that day of the week. The third Mass (second if second is principal) shall be the Votive Mass for the faithful Departed. The fourth Mass (third if  third is second) if there be one shall take its readings from the epistle and gospel for the office. By labeling the Masses to be served second, third etc. it is not implied that they must be said in that order, only that one would only say the Mass for the Dead if one was celebrating the mass three times a day etc. In Cathedrals or Monasteries that have Lady Chapels the Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin may be said daily. 

            It has Matins and Evensong said or sung on every day of the week. The Litany is said with Matins or Evensong on Wednesday and Friday. In Monasteries or Cathedrals with an attached choir school, Matins and Evensong shall be sung to the degree possible. Sext and Compline shall be served daily. The other little hours shall be celebrated as circumstances allow. Monasteries and Cathedrals that have Lady Chapels may pray the Office of Our Lady on Saturday.

            On Sundays at large parishes, Prime, Matins, Sext, Evensong, and Compline are prayed and both the Mass for Sunday and the Votive Mass of the Holy Trinity are celebrated. In Monasteries and Cathedrals a fuller office will be prayed and more Masses celebrated.

A Plan for using the Services in this Book: A Standard Parish

Feral Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays in Throughout the Year

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer

Feral Fridays in Epiphany and Trinity

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer with Litany
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer

Feral Wednesdays throught the Year
and Fridays in Advent, Lent, and Easter

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer with Litany
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer
            6:30                Said Holy Communion

Feral Saturdays
            Noon              Said Sext with Litany
            6 p.m.             1st Evensong (of Sunday)
            6:45                Choir Practice

            9 a.m.             Choral Matins
            9:45                Sunday school
            10:30              Sung Holy Communion
            11:45              Fellowship
            Noon              Said Sext
            1:30                Community Service
            4 p.m.             2nd Evensong with Litany
            4:45                Community Service
            8 p.m.             Sung 2nd Compline
            8:30                Fellowship

On Commemorations
As feral days
On Lesser Holy Days
            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer
            6:30                Said Holy Communion
On Greater Holy Days
            Eve 6 p.m.     1st Evensong
            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            6:45                Sung Holy Communion

In the Second or Third Week of Advent
Nine Lessons and Carols of Advent shall replace Evensong or on one or more evenings

Feral Days Dec 16-23
            6 p.m.             Evensong with Great O Antiphons
Saturday Before 4 Advent
            12:30 p.m.     Ember Vigil Mass of Advent (optional)

On Christmas Eve
            9:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            12 noon          Mass of the Eve of Christmas
On Christmas
            Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of Christmas
            9:30 p.m.        9 Lessons and Carols
            11:30 p.m      Midnight Holy Communion
            8 a.m.             Daybreak Holy Communion
            9 a.m.             Choral Matins of Christmas
            10:30              Principal Communion of Christmas
            4 p.m.             2nd Evensong of Christmas

All days in Christmas other than Sundays and the Octave Day of Christmas

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer
            6:30                Said Holy Communion

On the Octave of Christmas

            Eve 6 p.m.     1st Evensong
            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            6:45                Sung Holy Communion

12th Night

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            Noon              Said Holy Communion     
On The Epiphany
            Eve 6 p.m.     1st Evensong
            7:30 a.m.        Choral Matins
            Noon              Sext
            6 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            6:45                Sung Mass of the Epiphany
            7:45                Compline

On the Purification of the BVM
            Eve 6 p.m.     1st Evensong
            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            Noon              Said Sext
            6 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            6:45                Sung Holy Communion
            7:45                Compline

On Ash Wednesday

            7:30 a.m.        Matins with Litany, Comination and Imposition of Ashes
            12 Noon         Said Sext with Imposition of Ashes
            6 p.m.             Mass with Invitation to a Holy Lent and Imposition of Ashes
On the Annunciation to the BVM

            Eve 6 p.m.     1st Evensong
            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            Noon              Said Sext
            6 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            6:45                Sung Holy Communion
            7:45                Compline

On Palm Sunday

            9 a.m.             Choral Matins
            9:55                Liturgy of Psalms
            10:10              Procession                
            10:30              Sung Holy Communion
            11:45              Fellowship
            Noon              Said Sext
            1:30                Community Service
            4 p.m.             2nd Evensong with Litany
            4:45                Community Service
            8 p.m.             Sung 2nd Compline
            8:30                Fellowship
On Holy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
8:00 a.m.        Said Holy Communion
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer
            6:30                Prone with Sermon on the Passion

On Maundy Thursday

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             Evensong
            6:30                Sung Holy Communion with Footwashing and Alter Stripping
            7:45                Vigel before the alter

On Good Friday

            Midnight       Vigil continues
7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            9 a.m              Terce
            9:20                Prone with Sermon on the Passion
            12 noon          Sext
            3 p.m              None
3:20                Ante Communion with the Distribution of the Presanctified
6 p.m.             Tenebrea

On Holy Saturday

            8:30 a.m.        Matins
            Noon              Ante Communion

On Easter Sunday

            Eve 9 p.m.     Great Vigil of Easter
            7:30 a.m.        Prime
            8 a.m.             Early Mass of Easter
            9:30 a.m.        Choral Matins
            10:30  a.m.    Choral Principal Eucharist of Easter
            Noon              Sung Sext
            4 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            8 p.m.             Compline
On the Weekdays in the Octave of Easter

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer
            6:30                Said Holy Communion

On Saturday in Easter Week

            Noon              Said Sext with Te Deum
            12:15              Said Holy Communion
            6 p.m.             1st Evensong (of Sunday)
            6:45                Choir Practice

On the Octave Day of Easter

            9 a.m.             Choral Matins
            9:45                Sunday school
            10:30              Sung Holy Communion
            11:45              Fellowship
            Noon              Said Sext
            1:30                Community Service
            4 p.m.             2nd Evensong with Litany
            4:45                Community Service
            8 p.m.             Sung 2nd Compline
            8:30                Fellowship

On the Rogation days.
            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            8 a.m              Said Holy Communion
6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer (Except Wednesday)

On the Ascension
            Eve 6p.m.      1st Evensong
            6:45 p.m.        Mass of the Eve
            9:30 a.m.        Choral Matins
            10:30              Sung Holy Communion
            Noon              Sext with Te Deum
            6 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            8 p.m.             Compline

On Whitsunday

            Eve 9 p.m.     Great Vigil of Whitsunday
            7:30 a.m.        Prime
            8 a.m.             Early Mass of Whitsunday
            9:30 a.m.        Choral Matins
            10:30  a.m.    Choral Principal Eucharist of Whitsunday
            Noon              Sung Sext
            4 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            8 p.m.             Compline
On the Weekdays in the Octave of Whitsunday (including the Ember Days)

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer
            6:30                Said Holy Communion

On Trinity Sunday (the Octave Day of Whitsunday)

            9 a.m.             Choral Matins
            9:45                Sunday school
            10:30              Sung Holy Communion
            11:45              Fellowship
            Noon              Said Sext
            1:30                Community Service
            4 p.m.             2nd Evensong with Litany
            4:45                Community Service
            8 p.m.             Sung 2nd Compline
            8:30                Fellowship
On Corpus Christi

            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            6 p.m.             Said Evening Prayer
            6:30                Said Holy Communion

Independence Day
     10 a.m            Sung Liturgy of Independence Day

On the Transfiguration and the Dormition of St. Mary the Virgin 
and on All Saints Day
Eve 6 p.m.     1st Evensong
            7:30 a.m.        Said Morning Prayer
            Noon              Said Sext
            6 p.m.             2nd Evensong
            6:45                Sung Holy Communion
            7:45                Compline

A Plan for using the Services in this Book: A Cathedral

Feral Mondays

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Holy Angels
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Mondays on Commemorations or Lesser Holy Days

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Commons or Propers of the day
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Holy Angels
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Feral Tuesdays

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Tuesdays on Commemorations or Lesser Holy Days

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Commons or Propers of the day
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Feral Wednesdays and Commemorations

7:30 a.m.                    Mass of the Wednesday
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass for Any Necessity
6 p.m.                         Evensong with Litany
6:45 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Wednesdays on Lesser Holy Days

7:30 a.m.                    Mass of the Wednesday
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass for Any Necessity
6 p.m.                         Evensong with Litany
6:45 p.m.                    Mass of the Saint’s Day
8 p.m.                         Compline

Feral Thursdays

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Thursdays on Commemorations or Lesser Holy Days

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Commons or Propers of the day
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Feral Fridays in Epiphany and Trinity

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Holy Cross
6 p.m.                         Evensong with Litany
6:45 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Fridays in Epiphany and Trinity on Commemorations or Lesser Holy Days

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Commons or Propers of the day
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Holy Cross
6 p.m.                         Evensong with Litany
6:45 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Feral and Commemoration Fridays outside Epiphany and Trinity

7:30 a.m.                    Mass of the Friday
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Holy Cross
6 p.m.                         Evensong with Litany
6:45 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         Compline

Fridays outside Epiphany and Trinity on Lesser Holy Days

7:30 a.m.                    Mass of the Friday
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Holy Cross
6 p.m.                         Evensong with Litany
6:45 p.m.                    Mass of the Saint’s Day
8 p.m.                         1st Compline of Sunday

Feral Saturdays

8 a.m.                         Matins of the BVM
8:30 a.m.                    Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
9 a.m.                         Matins of Saturday
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin
6 p.m.                         1st Evensong of Sunday
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         1st Compline of Sunday

Saturdays on Commemorations or Lesser Holy Days

8 a.m.                         Matins of the BVM
8:30 a.m.                    Mass with with Commons or Propers of the day
9 a.m.                         Matins of Saturday
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin
6 p.m.                         1st Evensong of Sunday
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         1st Compline of Sunday


7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30                            Choral Matins with Litany
10:30                          Sung Mass of Sunday
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m                  Votive Mass of the Holy Trinity
3 p.m.                         None
3:10                            Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Mass from those for Various Causes and Occasions
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

Greater Holy Days
(Weekdays not Wednesday or Friday outside Epiphany and Trinity)

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
7:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 a.m.                         Choral Matins
9 a.m.                         Terce
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m                  Votive Mass of the Day of the Week
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Sung Mass of the Feast
8 p.m.                         Compline

Greater Holy Days
(Wednesdays or Friday outside Epiphany and Trinity)

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
7:30 a.m.                    Mass of the Wednesday or Friday
8 a.m.                         Choral Matins
9 a.m.                         Terce
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m                  Votive Mass of the Day of the Week
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Sung Mass of the Feast
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

Greater Holy Days (Saturdays)

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
8 a.m.                         Matins of the BVM
8:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin
9 a.m.                         Choral Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Sung Mass of the Feast
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         1st Evensong of Sunday
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         1st Compline of Sunday

In the Second or Third Week of Advent
Nine Lessons and Carols of Advent shall replace Evensong on one or more evenings

The Ember Saturday in Advent, Lent, Whitsun and Trinity

8 a.m.                         Matins of the BVM
8:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin
9 a.m.                         Matins of Saturday
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Vigil Mass of Ember Saturday with Ordinations
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         1st Evensong of Sunday
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         1st Compline of Sunday

December 16th – 22nd
Evensong on these days shall include the Great O Atiphons

Christmas Eve

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with the Votive Mass of the Day
8 a.m.                         Matins of Christmas Eve
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Mass of Christmas Eve
6 p.m.                         1st Evensong of Christmas
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
9 p.m.                         Nine Lessons and Carols of Christmas
11 p.m.                       Midnight Mass of Christmas

The Nativity of our Lord commonly called Christmas Day

7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Dawn Mass of Christmas
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
10:30                          Sung Principal Mass of Christmas
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin
3 p.m.                         None
4 p.m.                         2nd Evensong of Christmas
6 p.m.                         2nd Compline

The Circumcision

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of the Circumcision
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of the Circumcision
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Votive Mass of the Day
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
10:15                          Votive Mass of the BVM
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Sung Mass of the Circumcision
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

The Epiphany

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of the Epiphany
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of the Epipany
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
10:15                          Votive Mass of the Day
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Mass of the Epiphany
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

The Purification of the BVM

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of the Purification
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of the Purification
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Votive Mass of the Day
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
10:15                          Votive Mass of the BVM
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Sung Mass of the Purification
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

Ash Wednesday

7:30 a.m.                    Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary & ashes
8 a.m.                         Matins with Litany, Cominnation and imposition of ashes
Noon                          Sext with imposition of ashes
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass for Any Necessity with imposition of ashes
3 p.m.                         None with imposition of ashes
3:15                            Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed with imposition of ashes
6 p.m.                         Evensong with Litany and imposition of ashes
6:45 p.m.                    Mass of Ash Wednesday with invitation to a Hoyl Lent
8 p.m.                         Compline

The Annunciation to the BVM

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of the Annunciation
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of the Annunciation
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Votive Mass of the Day
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
10:15                          Votive Mass of the BVM
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Sung Mass of the Annunciation
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

Palm Sunday

7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30                            Choral Matins
10:10                          Liturgy of the Palms with Procession
10:30                          Sung Mass of Palm Sunday
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m                  Votive Mass of the Holy Trinity
3 p.m.                         None
3:10                            Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong with Litany
6:45                            Mass from those for Various Causes and Occasions
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

Holy Monday

7:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Holy Angels
8 a.m.                         Matins
9 a.m.                         Prone with Sermon on the Passion
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Mass of Holy Monday
8 p.m.                         Compline

Holy Tuesday

7:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
3 p.m.                         Prone with Sermon on the Passion
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Mass of Holy Tuesday
8 p.m.                         Compline

Holy Wednesday

7:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of any Necessity
8 a.m.                         Matins
9 a.m.                         Prone with Sermon on the Passion
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
3 p.m.                         Prone with Sermon on the Passion
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Mass of Holy Wednesday
8 p.m.                         Compline

Maundy Thursday

7:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament
8 a.m.                         Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Chrism Mass
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:45 p.m.                    Mass of Maundy Thursday with foot washing
                                                & the stripping of the alter
8 p.m.                         Compline

Good Friday

Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of Good Friday
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Matins
9 a.m.                         Terce
Noon                          Sext
3 p.m.                         None
3:10                            Ante Communion with Solemn Collects and the Presanctifed
6 p.m.                         Tenebrea

Holy Saturday

8 a.m.                         Prime
10 a.m.                       Terce
Noon                          Matins
2 p.m.                         Ante Communion of Holy Saturday 
4 p.m.                         Sext
7:30 p.m.                    None
8 p.m.                         Vigil Mass of Easter
11 p.m.                       1st Evensong of Easter

Easter Sunday

7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Early Communion of Easter
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
10:15                          Principal Communion of Easter
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Holy Trinity
3 p.m.                         None
3:10                            Votive Mass of the BVM
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

Weekdays in the Octave of Easter

7:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 a.m.                         Matins
9 p.m.                         Terce
9:10                            Prone Sermon on the Resurrection
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Day
3 p.m.                         None
3:10                            Prone Sermon on the Resurrection
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Mass of Easter Nday
8 p.m.                         Compline

Easter Saturday

8 a.m.                         Matins of the BVM
8:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin
9 a.m.                         Matins of Saturday
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Mass of Easter Saturday
6 p.m.                         1st Evensong of Sunday
6:30 p.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         1st Compline of Sunday

Ascension Thursday

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of the Ascension
6:45                            Vigil Mass of the Ascension
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of the Ascension
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Mass with Readings from the Office Lectionary
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
10:15                          Sung Mass of the Ascension
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Blessed Sacrament
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline


Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of Whitsunday
8 p.m.                         Vigil Mass of Whitsunday
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Early Mass of Whitsunday
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
10:15                          Sung Principal Mass of Whitsunday
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Holy Trinity
3 p.m.                         None
3:10                            Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Mass from those for Various Causes and Occasions
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

Weekdays in the Octave of Whitsunday

7:30 a.m.                    Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
8 a.m.                         Matins
9 p.m.                         Terce
9:10                            Prone Sermon on the descent of the Spirit
Noon                          Sext
12:10 p.m.                 Votive Mass of the Day
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         Evensong
6:30 p.m.                    Mass of Whit Nday
8 p.m.                         Compline

Saturday in the Octave of Whitsun
See The Ember Saturday in Advent, Lent, Whitsun and Trinity above

Independence Day

8:30                            Matins
9 a.m.                         Sung Liturgy of Independence Day
10 a.m.                       Mass of Independence Day
Noon                          Sext
4 p.m.                         Evensong
6 p.m.                         Compline

The Feast of the Transfiguration

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of the Transfiguration
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of the Transfiguration
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Votive Mass of the Day
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
3 p.m.                         None
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Sung Mass of the Transfiguration
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

The Dormition of Saint Mary the Virgin

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of the BVM (Dormition)
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of the Dormition
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Votive Mass of the BVM
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins of the BVM (Dormition)
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Day
3 p.m.                         None
3:10                            Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong of the BVM (Dormition)
6:45                            Sung Mass of the Dormation
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline

All Saints Day

Eve 6 p.m.                 1st Evensong of All Saints
8 p.m.                         1st Compline
Midnight                   Vigils and Lauds of All Saints
7:30 a.m.                    Prime
8 a.m.                         Votive Mass of the Faithful Departed
9 a.m.                         Terce
9:30 a.m.                    Choral Matins
Noon                          Sext
12:10                          Votive Mass of the Day
3 p.m.                         None
3:10                            Mass from those for Various Causes and Occasions
6 p.m.                         2nd Evensong
6:45                            Sung Mass of All Saints
8 p.m.                         2nd Compline